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Hey, Supervalorian's here is another chapter .. not much else to say so let's get onto the story :) 

Mel's POV

We arrived at the shops. We decided to have pesto pasta, and lucky we both loved pasta, so it was an easy choice. We decided to get some ice cream for desert.

When we arrived home I went to lay down on the couch while he unpacks the shopping.

"So I haven't really asked you, but what do you do in your free time, or when you were first diagnosed.

"I didn't really have much time I was always in the hospitable, and tired, but as I got more into my treatment and wasn't feeling as sick or tired I started to write," I told Chris.

"Thats pretty cool, what do you write about?" He asked me

"Well I wrote about many things, life, fictions," I told him. "Can I see it?" he asked me, I shook my head looking down underneath the coffee table, he followed my head and eyes looking at where it was.

"Please don't one knows," I told him

"What that you write? or .." He asked for more.

"Yes, now let me help you make dinner," I told him getting up slightly wobbling.
"whoa, lay down, you look exhausted. I'll make dinner, ok." He responded and I nodded laying back down on the couch.

Once dinner is ready Chris helps me up and sits me down at the table, and proceeds to get the dinner that he made and sits it down in front of me. "I wow this actually looks decent, I can't even cook like this," I say waiting for him to come and sit back down with me. "Where did you learn how to cook?" I ask him. "College, me and my friend grant learned how to cook," Chris said sitting down, looking up at me. "You can start eating, you don't have to wait for me." He tells me. "It's ok," I tell him smiling.

The two eat their dinner in a comfortable silence. Melissa insisted since Chris did the cooking she had to do the cleaning up, but Chris made a deal he would help and then they would be able to sit down on the couch together and watch a movie together.

Chris sat on the couch while Melissa lay her head on his lap. He looked down at her and smiled giving her a kiss.

"What do you like to in your free time, when you're not working with old people?" I asked him. he just stared at the tv, not answering my question. "Chris?" I asked getting up looking at him. "Umm," is all he could say. "I told you, what I do, that I haven't told anyone," I told him, he sighed in what I thought was defeat but, it wasn't he stayed silent. "Oh come on, whats so bad about telling me what you do in your free time.

"I like to do a lot of things," he said, finally speaking. "Like what" I responded. "I like to watch romantic comedies and go to the gym and look at myself workout," he said. And all I could do it start laughing, with him looking embraced and going red. "Whats so bad about that, I think it's cute that you like to watch romantic comedies and well hilarious that you like to watch yourself in the mirror working out," I said, looking at him, smiling giving him a small kiss. "I like that.. a man.. who's sensitive ... and works out," I said in-between kisses. I reach for the remote and turned the tv off.  And continued kissing.


I wake up with strong arms and a shirtless Chris sleeping next to me, I rolled around feeling quite cold, snuggling into his chest.

"Morning," he said kissing my bald head making us both laugh. "sorry," he said

"Its ok, and good morning to you too," I say giving him a kiss on his lips. We stayed in bed for a little while longer I totally forgot about Jacinta coming round to pick me up so we could go wig shopping before I went off to work. I didn't realize that she walked in again forgetting that she had keys. As we were in the middle of having a make-out session, I hear my name being called out, and it was getting closer and closer. "who's that?" I said quietly. As the bedroom door opened.

I looked up to see Jacinta standing in the door fame. "I will just wait out here," she said going out into the living room. We got out of bed, Chris got a shirt on while I got changed into clothes so that I was able to go shopping and also go to work. We both walked out while Jacinta gave us both a stair "See you at lunch" Chris said wanting to lean in and give me a kiss instead he gave me a hug and walked out to head off to work himself.

"Um I just need to have breakfast," I told Jacinta.

"Um yes, I'm sure you will need a big breakfast," she told me, I blushed. "OMG NO! You didn't" she asked surprised. "Um well yesterday, before we did the shaving, we went back to his place and It just happened," I told her.

"I'm happy for you, and I haven't seen you this happy since well when you got engaged, he makes you happy and treats you right?" She asked me, I nodded and smiled. "Yes" Replied.


Jacinta and I walked into the shopping mall and headed straight to the wig shop, I didn't mind going out with Jacinta, but people stared at me, and pointed, I get that she had to wear her uniform for work because it was her job on some days to take care of me since I was diagnosed. When we arrived and even though I am an adult Jacinta did the talking for me, because she knows that sometimes I can freak out when talking to new people, and that was the beauty of my job, I made sure that I talked and took orders from people that I already knew.

We walked over to a privet room, where a sales assistant came in and asked me a few questions on how I wanted to look if I wanted my hair to be long or short, and the color and the way it fell down my face. The lady walked back in with a couple of wigs.

"So I got these ones for you, we have a long with that is a darkish brown, then a dark blond, and a short one," the lady said, I tired on the short on first because I knew I didn't like it. "Nope," I said she took it off and place the dark blond wig on, it was straight the lady said that I could straighten or curl it if I like, it didn't have a fringe, which I liked. "I see the smile, do you like this on?" She asked me. "Um I do, but I saw the wig at the front of the store, can I try it on?" I asked the lady. "Of course" she replied. This wig was the right length, it was a darkish brown with some blond streaks through it. The lady put it on my bald head, and it matched my previous hair, it fell nicely and put a smile on my face, it felt comfortable. "How much is this one?" I asked

"Because of the blond streaks, the price is $450.00, and due to your circumstances I can bring the price down to $400," the lady said. I almost choked. "Um, can I try that other one on again?" I asked she nodded, she put the other on, and I looked at myself, it was this wig or no hair. "How much is this one?" I asked "I can bring this down to $100," she told me. It was still too much, and because I hadn't been working I did have the money. "Um ok, thank you I will take this one," I told her. "Great, you can leave it on, and come out when you're ready," she told me. Little did I know that Jacinta took a photo of me in the other wig, she could see it in my face that I loved it. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter 

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