4 years later, My simple life

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Ok, so this is the final chapter. I started this book at the start of the year, when I had a cancer scare myself,  thankfully I had a major operation to remove it. I want to say that this story is over extracted on what happened in my time. a lot of the things in the story I have related to personally. I hope you enjoyed this story, through the ups and downs of it all. enjoy this last chapter :) 

4 years later

The families lives became busy, especially with Maddie now diode after-school activities and having three kids under the age of 5. Melissa and Chris took turns for mornings and afternoons, it worked for them and somedays they would surprise Maddie by picking her up together and going down to the park. Melissa and Chris started back up having lunch back at the park, it was nice because it reminded them both of how it all started.

Melissa's POV

Today Chris and I decided to allow the kids all to take the day off so they could have a day in bed and watch a movie. Maddie was 12 and really getting into ll the teenager things, Ellie and Luke were in year one and loving school they were still super close they would always hold hands and be partners when lining up as well as sitting next to each other. Noah is 4 and is in kindy, once they got back from their holiday they tested and they told them he was on the spectrum, Melissa and Chris decided that they would treat him the way they treated Ellie, Luke, and Maddie.

"Hey mum can we go to the store today?" Maddie asked. "Mad's I went there yesterday," Chris said. "Sure mad's go into our bathroom and I should have some down there," Melissa said looking over at Chris who was now bright red, making Melissa laugh. "Candy," Ellie said. "Umm yeah, ok let us girls go to the shops and then we can all watch a movie yeah," I said to Ellie as she cuddled me.

I sit in my with my husband bed with all my kids thinking that this is my life now, I beat 2 cancers and married a man that had a crush on ever since I took his order and he became my regular.

We still continue to have lunch at our famous bench every day as I go between the cafe and the shopping center cafe.

Ellie, Maddie and I went to the shops to get what she needed and to also buy some yummy and according to Ellie. "Choc," Ellie said, "Ell we have enough look at all the yummy food" I said, "Umm maybe we need to feed her the yummy green veggies," Maddie said staring contest. Ellie stuck her tong out at Maddie making me laugh. "Ok, let's go," I told the girls.

We arrived home, placed everything out so we could all watch a movie that all the kids would love Descendants, Ellie and Maddie loved this movie, it was actually good because Luke and Noah loved the fighting scene in it too.

Watching these types of movies made Maddie want to get into acting and singing, so we allowed her to try it out which she loved, As for Ellie and Luke and Noah they wouldn't be doing any of that till they were Maddie. age 12.

Melissa and Chris continued to work at their now high profile jobs but also taught their kids that even though they had the high profile jobs they should live a simple life with good values, not asking for anything instead of giving back to their community.

This is my story, and I hope that it helps whoever is reading this to never give up on your dreams, and also to lie life the way you want to. 

Love Melissa Benoist,  Joking.  Wood


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