Happiness I deserve

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Hey, Supervisor's I totally forgot about this chapter, its a filler and its before birthday surprise, I won't be posting it on insta soz, anyways I will be posting maybe two more NEW chapters today with new edits. anyways here you go. 

Mel's POV

Once I was ready, we place Ellie and Luke's car seat in, Chris and I hopped in the car our selves and drove down to Cat&Co, so we could have. Walk around the park and also Meet Chloe and Maddie their. I see Chris smile, "What" I say with a chuckle. "I mean we have done this with Maddie, but it seems different with Ellie and Luke" he said. As I look back last them. "Yeah it does I mean never is a million years after I was diagnosed I thought I would have this a family" I tell him. "Well you do" he replied taking hold of my hand and giving it a squeeze. Once we arrived at the park. Chris got the pram out while unbuckled Ellie's seat and then Lukes which I had to go round to the other side of the car to do. Chris said the he wanted to push the pram. "Umm, it's not because you want to get the ladies attention?" I asked he laughed. "No because I know it make you drool over me" he replied making me smile replying "Ok" I clicked the twins and walked down to the park, where Maddie and Chloe where.

I saw Maddie and Chloe playing on the swings and when Maddie saw me she jumped off and ran to me along with Chloe.
"Hey, girls," I say as I give Maddie a hug, "Hey," they both said. "Is mum is Chloe?" I asked, "Yeah she is over at Cat&Co." Chloe responded "Ok, dad and I will be over there, come over if you want something to eat ok," I tell the girls as they ran back to the playground. Chris and I laughed a little as he pushed the pram along the grass.

"Hey Jenny," I say with Chris behind me. "Hey, how are you?" She asks me. "Yeah good, thank you so much for looking after Maddie," I told Jenny. "Oh no worries, so hows their first outing going?" Jenny asked. "So far so good, I'm just going to take them to see Cat, did you want anything?" I ask Jenny, no thank I have my coffee." She replies I smile "Babe did you want anything?" I ask Chris. "Um yeah, just my usual coffee and muffin" he replies I nod.

Chris helps me with the twins by putting on each each of my arms so I can surprise Cat as I walk through the cafe everyone say hi and stops to say hello, I ask them if they could get the usual for Chris and I, along with a milkshake for Maddie and have Jenny's drink on the house. "Is Cat here?" I ask "She is in the office, um by the way Thea has been having a hard time, she really misses you," one of the waitresses said. I nodded my head and headed into the office, I knocked on the door the best I could. "We are having a meet... ok Melissa," she says "Hi, sorry if this a bad time?" I asked "Um no, well come in Thea is in here, let me hold on of my grandchildren," she says and takes Luke out of my arms "Hey Thea, is everything ok?" I ask I see tear stains on her cheeks. "Oh Thea," I say and sit down next to her. "people have been bullying her" Cat explained, "Why I've had a talk with them about bullying," I told Cat. "They found about me and my other life" Thea explained. I nodded. "Ok, Well I am coming back tomorrow, and will spend two hours here, ok, I'm going to organise a day for all the staff, they all must attend and if they don't I will be putting a strike against their name ok, would some of your staff be able to come here for the morning?" I asked Cat, she nodded.

"great, Thea, why don't you come have morning tea with Chris and I Maddie would love to see you," I asked Thea, she nodded "I'll come with you," Cat said with a smile keeping a hold of Luke. We walked out of the office a few of the of the waitress looking at Thea.

Once we arrived at the table I put Ellie in her seat and did the same with Luke, "So how are they?" Cat asked Melissa. "They're good, we can't complain, it was really nice having a night where it was just us with Ellie and Luke sleeping, we managed to pick a day for our wedding, but that's about it," I told Cat, Thea, and Jenny. "So when is it?" Cat asked "The 12 of October," I say smiling at Chris. "Have you decided on a place?" Jenny asked. "No, we decided that we want something simple but if my parents want something extravagant we would let them take us out for an expensive dinner but we don't know, I was actually thing thinking down here since this park is so special to us" Chris suggested, I smiled and took a hold of his hand. "Yeah," I say questioning it. "Oh what if we do the cafe up for the reception, we would block it off and then I guess you go get a permit for the park?" Cat said excited making me chuckle. "Yeah, but I don't want fancy" I explained. "But you deserve the fanciest wedding you have been through so much I think that you need to do something special, and the wedding is that thing, its all you babe," Chris says I smile, maybe I do deserve it, but it's not me. "Well, Melissa you deserve the best dress which is why I am going to buy it for you and I doesn't matter how much it cost." Cat said, "No Cat, please," I say. "Melissa you have worked here since you were 19 and this is my gift to you," Cat said smiling, I felt like crying, all this attention to much. "Um I'm just going to take a walk," I say quickly getting up, leaving Chris with the twins. I take a walk over to the park swings where Maddie and Chloe are. I smile I realize that I am so lucky compared to Imra to can't have kids and who is still inhospitable, maybe Chris and Cat are right, I deserve this grandma and grandpa would say the same. "Maddie Chloe, come to have a drink" I call out to the girls. The jump on the playground and walk back with me to the table where Chris was the last on there. "Where did everyone go?" I ask. "Oh they Cat and Thea went back to work, and Jenny is in the car waiting for you Chloe, and we should get back home too, these two are very tired," Chris says with a smile. "Ok," I reply. "Mad's when we get to Chloe's car get your bag ok," Chris says to Maddie, she smiles and the two girls run off to Chloe's car.

Maddie walked alongside me, holding my hand while Chris pushed the pram. "You know maybe I do deserve a big wedding of some sorts, I just don't feel like it's me, I mean yes I have been through a lot, but I just don't feel like it's me," I tell Chris.

"Its ok, we can discuss it, we don't have to have a big wedding they are just idea, but you do deserve the best if people wanna do something for you accept it because you deserve the best," Chris Said she he kiss my forehead. "Thank you" I reply with a smile. We continue to walk and I see lot's car's on our street. "Someone must be having a party," I say. "Umm, let's hope it not too noisy," Chris replies with a smile.

There you go! the lead up to the next chapter I hope you don't get two confused :) see you later on today/tonight. 

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