Cutting hair for Charity.

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Helllllo supervalorians... Oh my, it's coming to an end I am writing the final chapter its hard I don't want to give this baby up, anyways enjoy this chapter.  

After telling everyone about the results it was somber Sophia was the only one who really knew what was going one, Maddie sort of understood, so Chris and Melissa decided that they would take their three kids to her next doctor's appointment so they could understand a little more. Ellie sat in her mum's lap, while Luke sat in the pram asleep and Maddie sat in-between her parents.

The family sat there waiting for Mellissa's name to be called.

"Melissa Wood" Jacinta said with a smile, everyone got up, Melissa held Ellie, while Chris pushed Luke and Maddie walked beside them, they all sat down as the doctor closed the door. "So.. you do have breast cancer I am sorry, however, we have caught it early and it hasn't yet spread so if we get you into an operation you will have a 2 of months of intense chemo so we know that we have kicked cancer in the but," the doctor said. Melissa nodded "Will the chemo kill the baby?" Melissa asked, "We will make sure that we don't do that, as I said I have treated many mums to be with breast cancer and they have all come out with their baby been born healthy." The doctor told Melissa and Chris. "Ok thank you, when do we start?" Melissa asked. "We can get you in next week, for the operation, and we can make sure to get your old room back and start you on chemo after the operation we will get you in for an MRI and that will determine how intense the chemo will be, it may not be as intense as we think" the doctor said. "Ok," Chris said. "Will, mummy be ok, will she die?" Maddie asked the doctor, Chris rubbed her back comforted. "Baby, I'm not going to die, I'm just not feeling well, but this doctor is going to help me feel better, so I can watch you go off to high school, and graduate, as well as college, and watch you get married and all of that" Melissa told Maddie. "Ok," Maddie replied with a sad face. "Come here baby," Melissa said as she opened her arms for Maddie to cuddle her. "I don't want you to die" Maddie cries. "I'm not going to die mad's ok," Melissa said kissing her her line. "Ok," she said sniffling. "So I will let you go, and I know that Jacinta has been your nurse, so I shall get her to give her all the details," The doctor said, Melissa and Chris nodded. "Thank you for your time," Melissa said shaking the doctor's hand. "No worries I will get Jacinta to call you, and we will go from there," the doctor said. Chris shook the doctor hands walking out with the family.

Melissa decided that she wanted to take her kids out for ice cream, in particularly Maddie. "Ok mad's any ice cream you want, you can get a cup, with any toppings," Melissa told Maddie as they walked into the ice-cream store making Ellie and Lukes face's light up. "Hi, how can I help you?" A young woman asked, "Hi can I have two small cups of vanilla, and these two will choose the toppings and then Mad's what do you want?" Melissa asked Maddie. "Oh, can I have the cheesecake as well as cookies and cream with toppings please," Maddie asked.

"Oh, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, ores, skittles, M&M's oh and Reese's," Maddie said as she looked at all the chocolate and candy. "And they will have chelate sauce and sprinkles," Melissa said. "And will you get anything?" The young girls asked. "We will share a double scoop of vanilla and chocolate sauce, M&M and sprinkles," Melissa says, looked at Chris and he nodded. "That's it?" The young girl asked. "yes thank you, and can that be take away" Melissa said. "Sure, so if you pay over there I can get them right away," the younger girl said with a smile. The family sat at a table and waited for their order. "Maddie, I know this is hard for you, we are going to make it as easy as possible, ok so like last time, when I met you can ask me any questions, ok, and you can even take some days off school and go into the facility ask some of the kids how they dealt with their parent/s having cancer, OK" Melissa asked. "Ok, but it will be like last time?" She asked "Yes baby, but you may see a few thing you didn't see before. ok, so if you're scared let us know ok" Melissa told her daughter. "Ok" she replied with a smile. Chris smiled two, Melissa knew he was having a hard time too, but he knew he had to be strong for Melissa and his kids.

The family walked around and the parents allowed Maddie to play on the playground and eventually when Ellie and Luke had finished their melted ice cream they had a swing on the swings as well as going down the slide. The family went home and had a restful night, it wasn't until Melissa and Chris laid in bed, Melissa remembered that she had to tell everyone at work as well as Chris. The two laid them for a while thinking about how their life is going to change again, not know how or what was going to happen and more importantly for how long.

Over the week before Melissa operation she gathered everyone at CAT&Co to let them know that she will be taking a leave of absence and she explained the reason why she was taking this making everyone a little upset about Melissa having cancer once again, she told like she always is, that she will stay positive and so should they. She told them that she would do as much as she could. Melissa spent the week getting everything ready making sure that she would bale able to do things from home and sometimes if she could go to the Cafe and see what has been happening.

Melissa had a quiet gathering for her family and a few friends, they all knew that she had cancer, it was mainly for her in general so she knew everyone was happy and content with her life, she also wanted them to know that this wasn't going to stop her. Maddie said told her mum and dad that she wanted to donate her hair, as did Chloe, so Melissa decided that she was going to make an event out of it and with Chris's high profile, they were able to get a few media outlets, so come and help set up for Maddie and Chloe's hair cutting. Once everyone arrived and some media outlets were there, made started with Chloe talking about her mum and to the camera, and she wasn't shy like she was when Melissa first met her.

"Today I am doing this for my mum, this is the second type of cancer she had had in the past three years. She is the strongest mum, this hair for her and all the other young girls and boys for their mum's aunties grandmas, who are fighting any type of cancer." Maddie said. "And do you think that this will make others girls or boys grow their hair out to do the same thing?" A reporter asked "I don't know, all I know is that me and my friend Chloe want to do this because we love my mum and we want to give back and help other women and girls" Maddie said making Melissa tear up, Chris had tear stained eye because he was so happy with his daughter.

Maddie and Chloe seated themselves down while Melissa and Chris and Chloe's mum sat with Chloe. "So who is going to be cutting my hair." A reporter asked.

"I want my mum to cut my hair," she said making Melissa smile as well as Chris. "And who will be cutting your hair, Chloe?" The same reporter asked. "Sophia Melissa sister," Chloe said. Melissa and Jenny Chloe's mum got up to cut the girls hair. Melissa and Sophia braided the girl's hair. "Ok, here we go," Melissa and Sophia said, Chris started to film Melissa and Sophia cutting the girls hair. "3.. 2.. 1.." Melissa said and she and Sophia chopped both of the girl's hair off. Everyone clapped at the courageous acts. A standby hairdresser stylist came in and continued to cut and style the girl's hair. 

There you go... I hope you liked this chapter, I thought it was such a cute little chapter the girls cutting their hair for Melissa.  

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