Dont make me go back there

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Hey supervalorians, new chapter. Glad you're enjoying this story.
Hope you enjoy this chapter
Authors POV
Chris and Melissa both bolted up to the sound of loud sobs and screaming, running into Maddie's room to see her in the fetal position rocking back and forth.
The two immediately got up and ran into her room. Chris crawled onto her bed. "Shh, you ok, you ok," she said rubbing her back. "'t, make me go back, please" she cried out. "Ok, we won't your safe here," Chris said to her now, getting her to sit on his lap, she cried into his shirt making it wet. He brushed his hands through her hair, kissing her head. "Come and sleep with us tonight" he said picking her up as she nod's into her chest, fully hanging on for dear life, Chris looked up at Mel and she shrugged. Chris laid her down in their bed, getting as well as Melissa did, she laid there next to Chris still holding for dear life.
Her. Sob got quieter and quieter and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Chris woke up to see no Melissa or Maddie in bed, he quickly got up but then heard laughing downstairs, he smiled. Him and Melissa were put in a situation that they never thought they would have had to deal with, they only talked about it like a couple of weeks ago when Sophia came to visit. He sneaked down with his phone so he could a video, of this magical, moment.

Chris POV
I see Maddie and Melissa over the at the stove, Maddie sitting on one of the the seats. "Alright, Maddie this is my third attempt with my left hand I think I have nailed it," Melissa says. Melissa flips the park cake and well it lands on Maddie's head. Chris chuckles a little. And Maddie starts to laugh, Melissa hurry's to try and get the pancake off her head which is hot and still in its sloppy stage. Chris comes out of the corner clapping. They both look at him like they had broken someone's precious glass vase.
"Alright Maddie lets get you cleaned u,p" Chris says.
"Can Melissa do it?" Maddie asked
"Sure, are you ok to do that? Chris asked Melissa she nodded with a smile.

Melissa's POV
"O,k Maddie, Bath's read,y" I said, as she helped the young girl get undressed, and what she saw, shocked her, but she didn't say anything, Maddie just looked down. "It's ok, I have lots of scars too, they're not to be ashamed of," I told Maddie she slightly smiled. I helped Maddie into the bath tub and started to wash her face and Hair.
"How about when we go shopping today, with Chris we get your hair done, and get some nice clothes?" I asked her Maddie smiled. "Can I Stay here?" Maddie asked, "If it was up to me, would say yes, but I'm going to leave this up to Chris ok" I said to Maddie she nodded. "right, I think we have the pancake out of your hair lets give it a rinse, and get you changed" I say as I pour water over her head, getting my self wet. I get her changed and tell her that I am going to clean myself up too.
Once I was changed, I added a little makeup to my face and texted cat to tell her that Chris and I need today few things and would drop by later on to explain why.

I walked down to see Chris and Maddie sitting down at the table talk, she was telling him about her life. I walked down and grabbed my plate which Chris had already cut up for me.
I sat down next to Chris and started to eat my breakfast, I knew I had to tell Chris about Maddie's scars, I just didn't want to ruin the bond that was so easy to create. Chris Kissed my head and went and had a showers wasn't sure if he was going to take a day off or if he was going to come with us.
"So Maddie, if we are going to buy you close we need to know what you like to wear." I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. "That's ok, if you like something i'm sure you can try it on, and then when we get your toys you can decide what you want, but I think we need to ask Chris first" I say. "Are we all going out?" Maddie asked "you can ask Chris that,'m sure he will be able to take sometime off" I said with a smile she smiled. Maddie helped me bring all the plates up to the sink. Just as Chris was coming down.
"Daddy, are you coming with us?" Maddie asked, just realising what she said, but Chris went with it. "I sure can how about we go clothes shopping and toy shopping and then I can give her some money and I heard that your going to get your hair done?" He asked her she smiled and hugged him, I smiled as he hugged back.

Its short but I am going to update later tonight !!!

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