Time out of the facility

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Hello Supervalorian's here is another chapter. hope you are enjoying this story. 

Authors POV

Once Annie's treatment was over Melissa took a bypass Mr. Chris's office knocking on the door. "Coming" they heard him say, Melissa, smiled down at Annie. The door opened to real Chris. "Hi," Melissa said happily. "Hi, Annie how was your treatment?" Chris asked Annie. "Good" she replied softly. "Hi, I was wondering if we could take Annie out with Maddie for lunch?" Melissa asked Chris. "I will see what I can do if it's not today it will be tomorrow, I know I'm the head of the whole facility but I have to make sure that I get approval from the nurses" he replied. Annie nodded softly, upset. "Come on Annie, let's go back to the group room," Melissa said as she took back to the group room.

Melissa and Annie arrive back in the room, Melissa sat Annie down since she told her that she was feeling tired, Once Melissa settled her down she went to see war everyone else was doing.

After a few hours of spending time with the other children, Melissa took Maddie back to Chris's office, so they could head out to lunch.

"Where is Maddie?" Chris asked.

"She is in the group room, why?" Melissa questioned

"Oh, I asked her to come with you" Chris replied. "Umm, do you want me to go get her?" He asked Melissa.

"Um I will go get her I'll meet you down at the park," Chris said giving her kiss on the lips. Melissa and Maddie left, down to the park while Chris went to the children's room.

Chris's POV

I walked down the hall to the to where Maddie was with Annie, I wanted to know why she wasn't allowed out, Annie's nurse said it was fine as was wondering if Melissa could come to Annie's next appointment.

I opened the door and the room became silent. "Hey, the guy's where is Annie?" I asked as one of the assistants looked up. "She is having lunch" She responded. "Who is giving her lunch, she is coming with Maddie, Melissa and I" I explained the assistant pointed to the room where Maddie was. I walked there to see one of the room leaders. "Hi, um Annie is meant to be doing with me, her nurse said it was ok for her to go out," I said. "You're not in charge of her, she's not going with you," the lady said. "I may not be in charge of her, but I am your boss, really making me in charge off her, tomorrow I want you in my office," I said as I helped Annie out of the chair and walked down to the park with her.

"Sorry about that Annie, does this happen often?" I ask she stays quiet. I stop and look at her and kneel down beside her. "Annie if they aren't treating you right because you are sick it's not right, you can tell me because I don't want you to be left out or anything like that" I explained she nodded my head. "They keep me in another room and live me out sometimes, the room leader does anyway the assistant sneaks stuff in for me sometimes," she said with a laugh. "Well maybe I could get Maddie and Melissa do the same," I tell her she smiles grabbing my hand as we walk down to the park meeting them down there with food already on the table.

Maddie sat next to Annie while Chris sat next to Melissa giving her a kiss. "So Annie, how does not feel to be outside?" Melissa asked Annie.

"Good, I haven't been outside in ages," she said making my heart drop, I also see Melissa's face drop to. "Well you are out here when you girl are finished if you like you can go to the playground and have a play, but make sure that you have a rest when you get back ok, we will be in my office when we get back there because Melissa has to sign some paper for Maddie, officially becoming our daughter" Chris said and then realising when he said. "I wish one of my aunts would adopt me," Annie said, with a sad tone and her head down. "You can come over to our house one night and we can be a big happy family right?" Maddie asked "We might be able to Arrange that," I said with a smile, as did the girls.

After the girls have something to eat, we head over to the playground so they could have some time to play together and Annie would have some time to be a normal kid playing on the playground.

Melissa and I stood by the playground and watch the two girls, she leaned in on me. "How are you, I know you want kids but as you said let's wait you just got out of Chemo," I said she nodded as I wrapped my arms around her and watched the girls play until it was ready to go back, so Annie could have a rest.

When we arrived back to the facility I dropped Annie back while Melissa and Maddie went back into my office because Hanna's Layer said she would be there in 15 minutes. When I arrived back Hanna's lawyer was coming to the door with one of the receptionist.

"Mr. Wood, this is Hanna's Lawyers, I believe you are seeing her today?" She asked, "Yes, come in, my partner and Maddie are inside." I said opening the door to see the two chuckling. Once Melissa saw us she hushed standing up acting all professional. "Melissa this is Hanna's lawyer, Ms. Bible this is my partner Melissa, and of course you know Maddie," He said as I offered her a seat, either on the couch or one of the chairs. "thank you, so I'm guessing that you just want to sign the papers?" She asked, I looked over at Melissa, and she nodded her head. "Um actually why did Hanna choose me, and well basically come and leave her here with no reason or tell me what was happening.?" I questioned.

"Blake, her partner who I Believe was your ex-fiancé was been abusive towards them both, Hanna isn't sure if she was doing it to Maddie, so she wanted to get her out of there before anything else happened" her lawyer explained "he was doing it to Maddie, do you want to show the scars babe?" Melissa asked Maddie who was curled up into Melissa she nodded shyly. Melissa pulled up Maddie's shirt and showed her all the scars. "Ok, Maddie can I take a photo to show the court, he will be going to jail, for this a bunch of other things he has done," she told us. "I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "Ok no worries that is your call, so Hanna has asked that is and when she gets released that she does get to see Maddie, with your supervision" she explained to us. "Of course, Maddie would you still to have contact with Hanna your biological mother?" I asked Maddie. She smiled. "That is fine with me, so do we sign the papers?" I asked. "Yes, now is your partner going to sign the papers too?" She questions. I looked over at Melissa and she smiled getting up to her and I could sign the papers for her to become our daughter. "I would also like to do a test, and Maddie is ok with it, its just that I would like to know if she is mine, but we are happy that she is in our life now" Chris asked, "Of course it is part of the process anyway and Hanna has said that she would like for you to take one as well." Her Lawyer said. I nodded. "Ok Maddie can you please open your mouth I and going to get some sliver off of you and your daddy for a test that we do, is that ok?" The Lawyer asked Maddie nodded and opened her mouth.

"The results will be back in two weeks, in the meantime, I will take this to the court and within the two weeks the papers will go through and she will be officially your daughter." Hanna's lawyer spoke with a smile. After we jotted our signatures down the lawyer left and we spent the next couple of minutes as a family. 

SO I hope you enjoyed this chapter this was kinda a filler chapter .

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