It's Can't Be

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Hey Supervalorians :) I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know you all are waiting for this chapter :) get ready for some non-romantic moments with Jacinta and Chris.

Chris POV 

I told Jacinta everything, how that I really feel like I am starting to love Melissa and that my parents are going to choose my partner, and how I don't want that, how that Melissa makes me happy, and that how she is able to work and go through this treatment is amazing. "I have known Melissa for almost my whole life we met when we were 3 and went through primary school and high school together, and her life was simple, she never went out, she was always doing things for other people, she has always been happy, and always walked through the wall, she never stopped and said she couldn't do it, but people told her those comments that she couldn't do it, she always got back up and kept going" Jacinta told me. I smiled at that, "When her parents died, she kept going, but she was still upset, but deep down, inside she knew her parents wouldn't want her to feel like this that why she is working through her treatment, because no matter what obstacle faces her she keeps going" Jacinta said. I just nodded. "You know maybe going to a support group for patients friends and family might help. Chyler, Jeremy, and Cat all go, Heck I went for a couple of sessions" She told me. I nodded. "Thank you" I replied. She looked down at her watch. "She should be out now and waking up" Jacinta explained. We got up and walked towards her room.

I see Melissa laying in the hospitable bed, with a drip in her arm. I quickly walk up to her placing a kiss on her bald her. I still love the bald her so much. "I'm so sorry" I say softly. "I forgive you" I hear her whisper. I pull away smiling, giving her a kiss on the lips. I pull away and sit next to her, and allow everyone to give her a hug.

A few minutes later I'm guessing one of her doctors walked in. "Melissa, and friends" he said surprised. Chyler, Jeremy, Cat where standing in the room, wanting to know if she was ok.

We all look to him, and when I looked at him I saw that face, the fact that most of the elderly couples get all the time, some of my colleagues and I like to call it the 'bad news face' I took Melissa's hand. She held on to it. "so I'm guessing you are all close friends and obviously Jacinta you are a close friend and nurse here" he said we all nodded "Mr. Wood thank you to you and your parents who donate the money for the youth centre" he started I nodded "So Melissa, your scans show that the treatment has helped but" he started good new but then bad news I knew it. I saw Mel take a deep breath as did I. "its spread but not as bad as I originally thought, the only way we can help stop and prevent more spreading is to do the surgery that we originally planned on doing" he told us. I saw a tear roll from her eye, I rubbed my free hand across her face wiping away her tear. "I will come back tomorrow and we will organize an appoint with the surgeon," he told mainly Mel. We both nodded while everyone stayed silent.

Chyle and Jeremy went to the other side of the bed and gave her a hug. "You're going to be ok," Chyler told her friend, giving her a kiss on the forehead. I see Mel nods. Jeremy was next he basically said the same thing.

Everyone left in shock, I stayed with her, laying on the hospitable bed with her. "You ok?" I asked her turning my head towards her. She didn't speak. "Hey, everything is going to be ok," I told her grabbing my hand. I saw her smile. "Do you need anything?" I asked her. "Just be here with me," she said cuddling into me. "Yeah" I replied looking down at her wiping away the tears. "Hey," I said waiting for her to look up at me. "I," I said taking a deep breath. "I love you," I said with a smile. She smiled. "I love you too," she said smiling we kissed each other and stayed like this too I'm guessing the morning because I felt the sunshine on my face.

"Morning," I said kissing her forehead.

"Hi" She replied smiling. Some of her colour has come back, and the dark black circles have almost gone. "Do you feel like something to eat?" I asked her.

"Umm, something from Cat&CO," she said. I nodded, giving her a kiss before getting out of the bed. "Do you want some spare clothes?" I asked her, she nodded again. Giving her another kiss, I left the room.

As I walked out of the hospitable there were Camera's waiting for I'm guessing me. Thankfully Cat and Margie were in the Lobby. "Whats going on?" I asked Cat.

"Video got out, we are going out the back, where do you need to go?" Margie asked. "Um to the cafe to get her something to eat and then to Melissa's apartment to get some spare clothes and some other things she might need" I explained to Margie. She nodded and we walked around the back. I kind of expected it, but Margie didn't. As we walked out Camera's and press waiting for me, and for me to say something. I just held my Yankees hat in front of my face avoiding all the questions.

Margie dropped me off to Kara's house or unit, so I could grab her some clothes and a couple of things, I fed Farley and made sure that he had a bit of a play before I collected all of Mel's things. I was looking for the little book that she keeps, from last time I remember that she kept it down beneath her coffee table, and I found many of them. I really wanted to look at them, but I also knew it was wrong and that she would probably kill me if I had a look, because she would share them with me when the time was right. I packed them in a bag and waited and played with Farley until Margie came back.

By the time we arrived back, there were some press and photographs there waiting for something to happen. Margie made sure that we were still able to get in, she pushed through while pulling me along with her, I carried on bag in one hand and my hat holding it in front of my face, so nothing could get out but I knew that there would be so many stories and headline-making up crap about me and Melissa.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry its a little sad, but hey he said it !!

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