Cancer Free !!

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Hey guys !! I finished the final chapter this afternoon, so the final chapter should be out Friday. 

Chris's POV

it's been 3 months since Melissa had surgery, she was told it was a good idea to have Chemo. Melissa was also 4 months pregnant. We were all in her room, Maddie showing everything she had done at school. Ellie and Luke were sitting with their mum. Ellie was obsessed with her mum's belly. We were waiting for there results to see if she needed another 3 months of chemo. Melissa didn't lose her this time which is a bummer because I loved her bald. "So what do you want to do when we get out of here?" Chris asks "I want to go to Cancun" Melissa states. "Ok, we can definitely do that," Chris said with a smile on his face. Jacinta walked in with a big smile on her face. " I'm so glad I can be the one to say this, your cancer freeee" Jacinta said excitedly with her hands smiling. I didn't know what to think I guess pure joy?, happy that I was able to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. Melissa's face was happiness, she was so happy that she beat it again, as was I. "Mummy is going to Live" Maddie said happily as she gave Melissa a hug. "She sure is Mad's I have some good news about the baby, there is only one, and it is very healthy," Jacinta said with a smile. "Thank you," Melissa says smiling hugging her best friend. "So what we are going to do is give you all your documents and you will be on your way back to having as much as a normal life as you had previously" Jacinta explained happily. She walked out and the family cheered, happily. "Ok so I think we go tell Grandma Cat, and then have the family around," Melissa says. "Ok, maybe we go see at first and then we have the family over next weekend so you can get some proper rest at home," Chris tells Melissa. "Ok, I will just be happy to be at home with my babies, and take you off to school," Melissa said and ticketed Maddie. "Everyone is going to be so excited to see you." Maddie said happily. "And I will be happy to see them," Melissa said, making Melissa smile.


After a night with the four of them at home, they all took the day off and headed down to the park to see cat where Cat, and the rest of the team members. Once she walked into the Cafe, everyone came and gave her a hug, causing a very nice happy commotion, making Cat coming out of the office. "Oh my baby, how are you is it good news?" Cat Asked. "Yes, I'm cancer-free," Melissa says happily smiling, as am I and Maddie. "That is wonderful, we must celebrate," Cat said. "Yes, we are on the weekend next week." Melissa told Cat and her staff. "We will all be there, now come in I have news for you," Cat said and welcomed the family into the office. "So with the success of our other cafe, we are going to open one in a shopping center, and if you wish, I would like you to take that cafe and make it your own, but if you wish to stay here that is fine" Cat told Melissa and I. "I would have to think about it." Melissa told Cat. "No worries, no pressure, come back when your ready ok, she tells Melissa... "Thank you I will" Melissa replies smiling. After their first family outing in a while, including the dogs Farley and drift they returned home Ellie, Luke and Maddie sat down and watched a movie, they were trying to get Ellie and Luke to stay up the whole day since they would be turning two very soon. Melissa and Chris sat on the couch that was behind the kids, Chris and Melissa holding their hands over a bump. "I can't wait to continue this life, you know we may need a bigger house?" Melissa told Chris smiling. "Yeah, well I was looking while you were inhospitable, plus Ellie and Luke won't want to sleep in the same room forever, and when Ellie is older Maddie will be in his school so she will want her own room" Chris explained. "Umm, what do you have so far?" Melissa asked. Come and sit up at the table and I will show you, I want to keep Maddie at the same school and hopefully get Ellie and Luke to go there too, so I'm looking at houses in this area."yeah, as much as I want a big house I still want to live that simple lifestyle." Melissa told me. "I know, which is why I thought we could meet in-between," I said making Melissa laugh. "Ok, well we need at least 5 bedrooms, a backyard," Melissa said listing. "Umm I was thinking a swimming pool as well," I said pulling up the house that I had been looking at. "Oh my, this is beautiful," Melissa said looking through the photos. "I know is very similar to what we have now, I mean this is much more expensive, but if we sold this and sold your unit to Sophia we would have enough, plus its close to school, the park, and a shopping center." I said smiling "Umm should we have a look at it when its open?" I asked. "Yeah sure, wouldn't hurt, but I would like to move into another place before this one is born," Melissa told be placing her hand on her bump. "Ok" I replied with a smile.


Authors POV

A few months past Ellie and Luke turned 2 and the family was looking at the home Chris found, Melissa was 6 months pregnant, Maddie was doing extremely well in school, so the teachers made a call to her parents to see if they wanted to get her more work or put up a year, but Maddie wanted to stay with her class, so they gave her a book with harder equations and senates for when she completed her work, so she wouldn't be bored. Chris's father came around to look after Ellie and Luke so the two could go to look at the house for one last time before putting an offer in, and then go collect some of the baby clothes, they knew the gender but wanted to keep it a secret from everyone, including Maddie, Ellie, and Luke.

Chris and Melissa brought the home and moved in straight away since Melissa wasn't moving around and they could get the nursery ready for when their baby was born. They sold Chris's house and Sophia said she would pay rent and find a house so they could sell Melissa's unit. They walked into the house with Maddie, Ellie and Luke ran in out to the backyard. "Be careful kids" Melissa runs holding her back and her large belly. Chris walked in with a box, "Ok this is the first box" Chris says. "Oh, let me take a photo," Melissa says. Laughing grabbing her phone out of her back pocket.

The family fully moved in within a week, Melissa was becoming less mobile, becoming tired and wasn't able to work, well, she occasionally went in at sat at the desk and see how the team went while she wasn't there.

Oh my ... coming to an end quick !! see you tomorrow :) 

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