Welcome to the world P.1

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Hey Supervalorians, sorry haven't been updating so busy, my work revolves around school holidays and now that school holidays have finished I will probably be able to write and update a little more, these two chapters were meant to be up on Monday and Tuesday but didn't have the time. But here they are. I am thinking 5-10 chapter left but let's see how it goes 

Mel's POV Week 37 

Lately, the twins have been kicking A-LOT, I've basically been homebound and when I mean Homebound I mean laying on the couch the Chris made into a bed. "Chris please let me get up and walk around, I need to pee," I say pouting, "You just went to the toilet he said "Yeah well, your kids think that my bladder is a bouncy castle," I say making him laugh. He gets up and helps me up so I can use the bathroom. "Lucky for you, I need to go down to one of the rooms," he told me I smiled, as we walked together down the hall stopping at the toilet so I could release the bouncy castle.

Later that night I was on the couch laying there. "I'm so happy that they moved the date forward to tomorrow," I say watching Chris clean everything. "Yeah, well I mean we have everything ready, so we don't need to worry," Chris tells me. "Umm yeah well it's only going to get worse from here, twice the diaper changes, twice the cries" I start to say. "Ha, I see what you're doing, we will be fine, now come on get some rest," Chris said. I nodded. "Hey who's looking after Maddie?" I ask.

"She is going to school for the morning and then my dad is picking her up and bringing her to the hospitable" Chris told me, I nodded, we laid in bed thinking of how our world Is going to change bringing to new people into the worlds.


Today is the day, I wake up, to see Chris's side of the bed already made and the hospitable bag on the chair. I slowly but surely get out of bed and head downstairs where Maddie is sitting at the breakfast bar eating breakfast and talking about how she is going to be the best big sister in the world. I smile and walk out. "Mummy," Maddie says getting out of her seat. "Hey, Mad's you ready for school?" I asked. "Yeah but I don't want to go today" Maddie replied. "Grandpa wood will pick you up just before I go in ok," I say. "Ok," she says sadly. "Don't worry you will be the first one to see them ok?" I tell her, she node's and smile. "OK deal," she says making me laugh. "How are you feeling?" Chris asks me "Yeah good I'm allowed to eat right?" I ask. He nod's "OK cool because I will just have some fruit." I say Chris nods and gets me a blow of fruit.

Halfway through eating my fruit Chris tell's me that he's dropping Maddie off to school, just as he leaves one fo the twins kicks really hard making me jump, and wince at the same time, I clutch my stomach for a second. I decided to take a shower, clean myself in a piece for a very long time. As I was washing my self they kick again and the sharp pain worsens. I groan and hear the front door open. "Chris" I Yell hoping he can hear me. I don't hear me and another kick comes "CHRISSSSSS" I yell louder groaning. I hear the door slam open. "Mel, is everything ok?" He asks. I shake my head as he helps me out of the shower. "We need to go now, I think they know," I say. Chris laughs. "Ok come on let's get changed we have everything ready ok" he reassures me, I nod my head as he helps me into pants which all of a sudden got wet. We both laugh and get changed and head straight to the hospitable.

"How are you going," he asked as he pulled up at the lights that turn into the hospitable. " I'm just trying to the that this isn't the worst thing that I have gone through" I reply, he nods his head. Chris parked the car getting the bag out and then helped me out of the car. We walked into the reception, Chris sat me down and explained everything to the receptionist, I see her nod her head and I'm assuming call, someone, to come down and get me. Chris sat down next to me and rubbed my belly whispering something into my ear. I smiled, knowing that one of my best friends would be there when my twins are born.

I see Jacinta, my nurse who will be delivering my twins and another doctor. "Mrs. Wood, can you walk or do you need a chair," the doctor asked. "A chair would be great thank you" he nod's and tell someone behind him to get a chair.

They help me into the chair and wheel me up to one of the rooms in the maternity ward. "So Melissa, we are going to do the c-section now, unless you want to do the pushing," she asks me. "C-section please," I say, she nod's "No worries we have the room set up so let's take her in, Chris you are more than welcome to come in," she asks Chris. "Um sure Jacinta can you please call my father here is is number and get him to pick Maddie up" I hear him ask Jacinta. She nods and quickly calls Chris father.


"Ok Melissa, we have numbed you, so we are going to cut you open" I hear rage nurse say, I nod and hold Chris had who is kissing my forehead and hand, smiling. I wince as I feel what I assume is the knife. "Ok Melissa we are open and now we will start to deliver, is everyone ready, dad would you like to cut the cords?" She asked Chris, he nodded and smiled. I feel stretching and pulling, "Ok Melissa I have the first babe" I hear my nurse say. "It's a boy" I hear and start to cry, I don't see Chris cut his son's cord. "Ok lets get the next baby out"she says "and we have the baby and its a girl" she say I start to cry and that's when everything starts getting fuzzy, I see Jacinta looking at the machine I was hooked up to, you would think that I would know exactly what they were called but I don't. I feel everything been released and the next thing I felt like I was shaking. "Chris I'm sorry you need to leave" was the last thing I heard.

Chris POV

As my baby girl was pulled out, I noticed something funny, Jacinta was keeping an eye on the screen in front of her, I also say Melissa's eye fluttering. I looked back at Melissa and saw that she started to shake. "Chris you need to leave," Melissa's nurse said. All I saw was Melissa shaking and frothing coming from her mouth. "Chris come to see your little ones, Melissa is in good hands Jacinta is there and they know all about her past" one of the caretakers of the babies explain. I look back at the room, I can't lose her now, but I know that she would want me to be with the twins. "Can I get my daughter and father?" I ask. "Of course, do you have names for the children?" He asked me. "We are going to wait till we see them and when I mean we I mean Melissa," I say making the nurse chuckled. I walk out to see Maddie squirming in dad's arms. "DADDY," she says running up to me, I pick her up as my dad gets up walking over to me. "Where's Mummy," Maddie asks I sigh. "Come with me." I say "Chris what happened," My dad asked "Melissa, I don't know, she may have lost a bit of  blood or something to do with her cancer?" I explained to my father. He looked at me, "So here they are" I say pointing "There are your brother and sister, mad's" I say to Maddie, showing her through the class. "Are we using the names?" Maddie asked "Yeah I think so," I say. "Should we go get something to eat?" I asked Maddie. "Grandpy and I already ate," Maddie says. "Grandpy hu, ok, well let's go see if mummy is ok, so we can see her," I say. "Daddy what happened to mummy," Maddie asked, I sighed. "Well I'm not sure but I think mummy lost a bit of blood, but you know how she had cancer right?" I explained and asked her. She nodded her head. "Ok well, I think that it was also something to do with that but when we see Jacinta comes out she will tell us, ok," I tell Maddie, she nods her head and snuggles her head into my neck.

I walk towards the counter and ask if Melissa is alright, they call down one of the nurses, and they ask us to take a seat.

Maddie sees Jacinta getting up and running to her. "Cinta, is mummy ok?" I hear her say. "She sure is, she is asking for you, I can also get the twins to be brought up," Jacinta says we all nod, I pick Maddie up and we walk to Melissa room, with a nurse that was behind Jacinta.

"Mr. Wood, Melissa is awake and asking for you, lets me show you to her room," the nurse says I nod, "Come on daddy mummy is waiting, walk faster," Maddie said, the nurse turned around smiling. "Her room is right up here," he says I put Maddie down and she runs ahead, pointing at each door and when we finally were close he nodded his head. Maddie burst in as I quickly walked in, seeing Melissa with an Iv in her arm and a tube in her nose, it was something that I didn't want Maddie seeing on her, own but Maddie knew what had Melissa had gone through and had seen some of Melissa's treatment, but still it wasn't something I wanted her to see.

"Hi," I say smiling. Walking up to her kissing her. "Hey" she replied, "Are you feeling ok?" Maddie asked "Yes I am, now come here I want to ask you something," Melissa said and whispered something into Maddie's ear, I see smile and nod.

Maddie gets off the bed so I can give Melissa a kiss, while the babies are been brought in. 

So that's the first part, the second part will be up in a few minutes, what do you think the names will be !!!! 

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