Welcome to the world P.2

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Here is part two. BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA !!!!! 

Mel's POV

"Ellie Annie Wood, in honor of my mum and Annie" I whispered to Maddie she looks at me and smiles. Maddie gets off the bed, Chris gives me a kiss while they are bringing in the twins. "Melissa do you have a name for them?" The nurse asks with a clipboard in her hand. I nod and look up at Chris. "Our baby girl is named Ellie Annie wood and our boy's name is Luke Charles wood," I say. She smiles and writes it down. "Can we hold them?" I ask. "Of course," She says as Jacinta and the nurse comes in that was there when I apparently started to shake. "Hi, how are my niece and nephew?" Jacinta asks. "They are well, healthy nothing to worry about, we will keep them and you in here for two days they are very small so we have to be careful when you're holding them," the lady nurse says, we both nod. "As for you Melissa, you lost quite a lot of blood, you started to seize and we thought it was so done with your medication your on, but it wasn't so we want to keep you in for observation just to be sure." She explains I nod, I haven't seized since having cancer, it could be to do with my medication but I wasn't even sure and I always usually know why.

I held Ellie in my arms while Chris held Luke Maddie sat on the bed giving Ellie a kiss on the head and then kissed Luke's head. Making Chris and I smile. Chris's father just stood there allowing us to spend a few minutes as a family. "Mr. Wood come to hold your grandchildren," I say He smiled and came close to us. Chris handed his grandson to him. "He looks like you," Chris's father said, we both smiled. "Come have a look at your granddaughter," I say, he brings Luke over to me as we carefully switch with Chris's help.

"I will let you spend some time together, I'll let your mother know." He said Chris nodded with no words. Chris's dad walked out of the room leaving us together.

Chris gives me another kiss and sits down next to me, allowing Ellie and Luke to be together again.

Maddie and Chris went down to the cafeteria and two the car to get everything else for the twins, while I had a sleep. It was hard to sleep because I was in pain but I learned to deal with the pain and try and sleep. Just as though I was falling into a deep sleep, I heard their cry's, I groaned, not been able to move, I felt the remote so I could call the nurse, it took about a minute before one came in "Melissa is everything ok?" He asked her. "Umm yeah, my babes are crying and Chris is with Maddie getting everything from the car," I say. "Ok let me get one of the maternity staff for you," he says. "Ok, um and can I have some more pain meds the incision they made is hurting," I say. "Ok, I'll let the maternity staff help you," he says, I nod. A few minutes past and no one came, I groaned in pain and the fact that my babies were crying. I went to push the button again and just as I pushed it Chris walked in. "Thank god, I think they are Hungary and a young nurse said they would get someone and no one has come," I told Chris. He smiled putting everything down while Maddie came and sat on the bed. Chris got Ellie and Luke out of their incubator handing me Luke so I could rock him while he rocked Ellie they each calmed down quickly, "Mad push that again" I tell her. Thankful Jacinta came into the room. "Hey has anyone come to see you?" She asked. I shook my head. A young male nurse came in like 10 minutes ago and said that he would get someone. She nodded "Hang on, do they need a bottle?" She asked me, I nodded again. She walked out of the room and came back in with the young male nurse. "Jason, this is Melissa, did you get her what she asked, she shook his head a gulped. "Go get her twins a bottle and on the way back get one of the maternity nurses, I'm checking her vitals ok," Jacinta told Jason, he quickly nodded his head and walked out of the room. "How are you going? Everyone misses you and they want to come down and see you" Jacinta says. I smile, how about I come to visit them tomorrow?" I ask her. She nod's her head with a smile. Jason comes back with two bottles and a maternity nurse. "Hi Melissa, is everything ok?" Julie asks me. "Umm well, Jason came in 20 minutes ago, I asked him to get you and he never returned, thankfully Chris came in and was able to help me," I say. Julie nod's with a smile, "Ok well he got you the bottles that I'm getting you Jacinta asked for, is everything else wrong?" Julie asked. "Um yeah can you take a look at the scar, it really hurts," I say. "Sure, let's take a look," she says, Jacinta takes Luke feeding him as does Chris with Ellie. Julie takes a look at the scar. "It looks fine to me, if it still gives you discomfort by tonight then I will give you some anti biotic's," Julie said. "Thank you," I say, "Am I able to sit up, it's really uncomfortable to lay down and feed?" I asked. "Yeah no worries, Jason can you please hold the remote while I help Melissa sit up," Julie says Jason nods. The only two people I trust are Julie and Jacinta because they have been there since day one of being in this hospitable. With a little bit of pain, I sit up and am able to hold Luke and Ellie.

Jacinta stayed for a while then left to go back to work since she was on her break. Sophia came to visit and pick up Maddie so that Chris could stay and spend the night with me.


Chris POV

Melissa and I sat on the bed watching TV, I looked over at Ellie and Luke who were soundly sleeping holding hands. "Look, I think they will be inseparable," Melissa told me, I smile and kiss him. We continue to watch TV, I see Melissa start to get sleepy, her eye's getting heavier and heavier, they eventually shut I give her a kiss on her temple and lay her head on the pillow removing myself allowing her to sleep. "I love you, daddy," she says I smile "Love you to mummy" I respond smiling, "Love you two Ellie and Luke," I say

I went to sleep on the bed Jason brought into the room for me. Halfway through the night, Luke started to cry. I got up and prepare the pre-made bottle formula Julie gave us. I picked Luke up and rocked him and saw Mel starting to stir. "How's the pain?" I ask. "Umm good is Ellie ready for her bottle?" She asks I look over at her and she starts to stir. "I think so," I say and chuckle. I pick Ellie up and with Luke in my other arm and hand her to Mel, don't ask me how I did it I just did, I think its something to do with being a parent.

We both fed Ellie and Luke, they soon fell asleep again holding each other's hands again. We both smiled looking at our precious children.

There you go !!! see you next friday hopefully before ! 

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