No One Has Done This For Me

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Hey supervalorian's here is another chapter :) I hope you enjoy 

Authors POV

"What's wrong," Melissa asked him trying to calm him down by rubbing his back, but he didn't bring his eyes up fro the crook of Melissa's neck. "Christopher, is it the lights?, The flashing?" Melissa asked him, he nodded his head ever so slightly. "Ok, well they're gonna stop soon," she told him. He nodded again "Do you want to go back out there?" She asked again. He nodded. "Ok, do you want me to hold you?" She asked him. He nodded. "Ok let's go back out," she said getting up and walking out to stand next to Melissa's Chris who was speaking to the press. The camera's started to flash again, making young Christopher cry. Mel tried to calm him down by saying words that her mother used to say to her when she was around his age. "Be brave be strong?" she said this a couple of times while thinking of her mother.

The camera's died down, making young Christopher calm down too. the three walked back inside, Melissa standing him up on the floor. "Sorry buddy I didn't mean for the cameras to scare, you, but did you have fun?" Chris asked young Christopher. He nodded with a smile. "That's good well it was nice to meet you, and I'll see you around" Chris said smiling giving young Chris a hug, Melissa did the same, and the two adults walked around the facility for a while before heading home to get everything ready for Melissa's operation, and they were having everyone around for the evening, before a couple of things change.


The two sat down on the couch, "You are really good with children" Chris told Melissa. "Umm," she said snuggling into his head tired from the events of the morning. "We have people coming over soon, did you want to have a rest and I can help by cleaning up?" Chris asked. Melissa nodded. "Ok," he said picking her up and taking her to her room. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and covering her with a rug, leaving the door open and walking out of the room. Chris gave Melissa's unit a good clean trying to be as quiet as possible. He also helps Chyler set up texting her once Melissa was asleep. Chyle brought a few things over that would help her after the operation.


Chris woke Melissa up, so she was able to get ready, he was already dressed nicely. "Hi," she said sleepily. "Hey," he said with a smile. "Time to get up we need to get you ready for your small gathering," Chris told Melissa with a big smile. "Yeah, can I have a kiss," She asked. "Does sleeping beauty need to be woken up?" Chris said with a small chuckle, Melissa nodded and closed her eyes pretending that she needed to be woken up. Chris laughed kneeling down giving her a kiss. She smiled opening her eye's smiling. "Alright time for a shower," Chris said, helping Melissa up. She had a shower and got ready, meanwhile, Chris let everyone in and told them they had to be quiet.

Chris walked into Melissa's room to see her putting on a short dress, "can you please not wear your wig," Chris asked Melissa. "I doubt you would want to go out there with my friends, feeling like ... well.." Melissa said. "Um your right, maybe leave your bald head for me, but you are the beautiful way either way," he said to Melissa tubing her around giving her a kiss on the lips. "Now come on," Chris said taking Melissa out to the lounge where she knew that her friends were there.

Melissa smiled when she saw all her friends in her living room. "You did this?" Melissa asked Chris. He nodded "With the help of Chyler," He said with a smile. She nodded and looked around to see Imra with Jeremy, to see his arms wrapped around her. Melissa and Chris walked further into the living room talking to her friends enjoying moments that she thought she wouldn't have after been diagnosed.

Chris's POV

Mel was sitting on the couch with Imra and another one of her friends KC, who I only just met today, I saw that she was getting a little tired but trying not to be rude by smiling and laughing a little. She looked at me, I smiled and she smiled back, I knew she was really tired.

"Hey guys" I shouted "Melissa come up here Chyler has something to say," I said. Melissa got up and walked over to me. "Thank you" she whispered into my hear, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped my arms around her. "Melissa, so we know that your most probably going to homebound for a couple of weeks or maybe month's, so we wanted to do something for you, we know that you love your reading and writing and that you most probably will be spending your time out here in the living room, so with the help of the hospitable, we were able to get you a table that goes up and down, as well as a headset where you are still able to write on your computer." Chyler started. Melissa was shocked, covering her hands over her mouth, pure joy was that emotion on her face along with little tears coming from her eyes, she was also happy that her friend did this for her. "Thank you," she said hugging me and Chyler. After a few more hours of us talking, Melissa was almost asleep on my shoulder as we were sit-in on her couch, she was cuddled into me smiling at what her friends were saying about her, and all the good times her and Jacinta had as kids. Melissa soon fell asleep in my arms, smiling giving everyone the sign to leave.

Once everyone left which didn't take long I put Mel to bed, taking her clothes off and putting her PJ'S on and then cleaned everything up myself, coming back into the room to see Melissa on her phone sitting up in bed. "Hi" I whispered "Hey" she replied with a smile. "Thank you," she said as I took off my shirt and pants, she was looking at me. "What for?" I asked as I put my long PJ pants on. "For doing this part for me. No one has done it for me before" she told me. That made my heart drop. "Really?" I asked as I crawled in to be. "Yeah." She replied putting her head and down locking her phone placing it back on her nightstand. "Well, I'm glad I was able to do it for you," I told her giving her a kiss. "Yeah" she replied kissing me back. We snuggled into each other falling off to sleep in each other's arms. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :) 

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