Everything Is Going To Be Ok

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Hey, Supervalorian's I'm glad you are enjoying this story :) I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

Chris's POV

It had been a couple of day's since the incident at my parents event, and all I wanted to do was be by her side and when I saw she was standoffish, she hadn't messaged or called me and, I have been super busy at the home, because I had missed a couple of day's and I had also been helping at the other facility. I tired messaged Chyler, Jeremy, and Jacinta but they didn't say anything, they told me she hadn't spoken about me.

I was on my lunch break and went down to the Cafe, where I hadn't see Melissa for in a couple of days, I'm guessing because she was ordered to take a few days off. When I saw her sitting down at our normal table with a book, and her lunch I immediately walked up to her. "Hey," I said leaning over giving her a kiss but she didn't respond. "Hi," she said simply. "Um, where is my lunch?" I asked her. "Go order it, I'm on my lunch break" she responded to me. "Um, Mel is everything ok?" I asked her worried. She looked up at me, her eye's pupils were dilated and her face was extremely pale. She picked up the phone and showed me a news feed. 'Was she just another one of his charity cases, and when the wedding with Sandra?' The news headline said. "Mel, I am not marrying Sandra that's for sure, my parents probably set this whole thing up, ok," I told her sitting next to her. "Chris, your parents obviously don't think I can take being your wife, girlfriend or whatever, please I don't need or want this kind of attention," Melissa told me getting up. She wobbled a little and started to walk. "Mel," I said walking up behind her. The next thing I knew the plate, book, phone, and cup dropped out of her hand, and collapsed, right in front of me. Thankfully I was right beside her so I could catch her. Mel would do this all the time when she was tired but was unusual was that her mouth started to froth, and she started to shake. I call the ambulance right away, I then called Jacinta, to let her know, and also to let Chyler and Jeremy know too. I tried to wave and get someones attention from the cafe, and one of the girls whom I'm guessing was new came running over. "Can you get Cat?" I told this girl. She nodded right away and ran back. I saw Cat running over. "Chris, what happened?" She asked me. "I don't know. When I arrived she, pupils, where dilated and she was extremely pale, like paler then she normally is." I told Cat. "Ok" she replied we stayed with Melissa until the ambulance came, thankfully I knew first aid, and what to do, but al I wanted to do was to hold her.

People swarmed around us taking videos and photo's of us when the ambulance officers came. "Ok everyone back away now, we need some room to bring the ambulance in," one of the officers said as the other quickly walked to the vehicle. "If everyone backs away and goes over to Cat &Co we will give you a free coffee and cake," Cat said knowing that it was going to make the team run wild but it was the only way to get everyone out of the way.

"Who are you to her?" The ambulance officer asked. I knew they weren't going to let me in if I said boyfriend, and the only other thing I could think of other then parent was "fiancé" I said. He nodded very unsurely of what I just said. I got into the ambulance and we were rushed to the hospitable where she normally is at, as I told them.

When we arrived she was taken up to her room, that Jacinta always keeps available for her. Once she was stabilized, she was taken to have a scan to see if her cancer has spread since that's what they think has caused of all the fainting spells in the last couple of weeks. I rubbed my hands over my face an through my hair. Jacinta came up and sat beside me. "Is everything ok?" She asked me "you know I am here for the patients, friends, and family as much as the patients" she explained. "I did, well my parents did something," I told her. "Come on Melissa will be in the scan for an hour lets go have a coffee" she suggested. I nodded with a smile. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) 

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