Twins ????

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Hey guy ! oh wow what a busy week !! I'm so tired I wrote this the other day and didn't have time to post cause I had an interview today. exciting times. I'm posting this because I feel like I have to. 

After going shopping for the gift for Maddie, Melissa made sure to message everyone to come over as they had a big announcement to share.

Lunchtime came around the girls and Sophia arrived, and immediately notice something different, her face lit up, but Melissa and Chris told her to keep it hush until everyone else came over, so they could break the news.

Once everyone arrived they sat them down on the couch, both looking at each other, Melissa started. "So we have two announcements." "One of which last night Chris proposed," Melissa said with a big smile holding up her hand while everyone cheered and came up and hugged them both. "Ok, ok, thank you, our second announcement is to do with Maddie," Chris said as he brought a bag round to her. Both Melissa and Chris watched as she opened it, Melissa wanted to film this moment, it would be something to remember. When she opened the bag and pulled out two shirts one of which that said 'I going to be a big sister' she started to cry, we pulled her into a hug. "We pregnant" Melissa said happily. Their friends applauded again, as the two sat down and talked. "We're not going to have the wedding till the baby is born," Melissa said. "So how many weeks are you?" Jacinta asked "We are 12 weeks" Melissa replied with a smile, They all smiled. The group of friends chatted for a while and ended up ordering pizza, and watched a movie together.

15 weeks. Mel's POV

It's been three weeks since we told everyone, Chris and I were sitting in the waiting room, waiting to have our 15-week scan. "You nervous?" He asked me, I shook my head. "Umm your, leg is shaking, and you only do that when you are nervous?" I asked him. "Well kinda, I mean we have this and then tonight we have our gala, I think I'm nervous about that and telling my parents" he responded. "Umm it will be fine," I say as I took his hand, smiling.

"Mrs. Wood," a lady says, I stand up with Chris looking confused. "What, I like to be called that now," I say with a smile. He gets up and takes my hand as we walk in, "so you can lay on the bed and the nurse will be with you in a minute" the young girl said, I nod getting up on to the bed.

As we were both talking, our nurse came in, Melissa nice to see you, you must be the father, congratulations, so let's get started" she spoke.

"So when Melissa went to Jacinta first, we tagged and looked after Melissa for the first 12 weeks, and so I will sound the heartbeat first and then I will bring i image up, so she can take a look." She continued as she pulled out the wand and turned on the sound. I took Chris hand and saw him smile, I smiled, he gave me a kiss on the forehead, while the nurse turned the screen on, "so here they are" she said with a smile, wait did she say they.? "They," Chris said taking the words out of my mouth. "Yep twins, unfortunately, we don't know the genders," the nurse said as she waved the wand around the Stomach the to parent hold each other's hands while she showed them their twins. "Would you like the pictures" she asked we both nodded "great I will go get them, here is a few paper towels to wipe the bell off, I will be back in a minute" the nurse spoke walking out of the room leaving Chris and I. "Are you Ok with that" I asked him.? "Yeah, just a shock" he replied "yeah, I mean with me I didn't think it was possible but I guess your sperm there more powerful then you think," I said with a chuckle as our nurse returned. "Here are the pictures" she said handing them. "Thank you," I said getting up from the bed, walking out holding hands and making our 20-week appointment, As we were driving home I suggested that we should sit down and mark what we need to buy even though we really need to buy everything. "We should probably tell Maddie too, you know that we are having two not one," I say, he chuckles, "Oh I can't imagine what it's going to be like with three girls," Chris said with a smirk. "Umm Lot's of screams and tantrums" I reply with a smile. "Umm, I would like one by though," I say "Umm yeah," he says looking at me then look back at the road.

We arrived home, I went and sat on the couch having a rest before Maddie came home and before they needed to start getting ready for the gala. Chris did some work on the kitchen table in the meantime. Later in the day, he went off to check how everything was going so he knew everything was under control.

I was asleep on the couch when I heard the front door open, Maddie running in, coming up to see me. "Can I see the photo's?" she asked me making me jump up, and her starting to laugh.

"Mad's don't do that you scared me," I say slightly annoyed but making my facial expressions like I was joking, as I picked her up and letting Chris know to bring all the photo's over. "So we have some special news for you," I said as Chris opened up the photos. "Can you count how many beans there are in mommy's tummy?" I ask. "One," she said confused "Looks again, mad's Chris said, pointing to one, and the second one. "TWO?" She asked excitedly. We bother nodded. "We don't know the genders yet, so we have to wait till 5 more weeks to know," I tell Maddie she nods and kisses my belly, making me laugh. "Ok, Mad's how about you go have a nap, because remember we have the gala tonight, and you're cutting the ribbon for Annie's section so we need to get you all dressed up," Chris said I smile. "Ok," she said yawning, going into her room to have a nap. "You should have a nap too, you look exhausted," I tell him. "Umm I might have a laydown," he said and plopped down on the couch next to me. I turned the TV on since I couldn't move because he was now laying on my lap. I dozed off to sleep woken up by Maddie again, staying that it was now 5 pm. "Chris, honey, it's 5 pm we need to get ready," I say, he wakes up slowly. "Umm, what?" He questions. "I'm going to have a shower with Maddie so we can do showers at once and then we both can get ready while you have a shower we need to be there in an hour and a half" Melissa explains. "Umm ok," he said still waking up as I lift his head up and let it fall to the couch as Maddie and I go have a shower.

Maddie and I were in our room getting ready, in our robs, I helped Maddie put some makeup on and do her hair before I did mine since I was going to curl my hair and just do some simple makeup. So we could get changed. Maddie wore a pretty pink tutu dress, while I wore a light pin satin pink dress where you could see a slight bump appear.

There you have it I am writing the next chapter I don't know if I will be able to update this weekend. I hope I can on Monday or Tuesday. 

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