Baby Shower

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Hey Supervalorian's I'm back !!! yes it was short but I'm here, I have been super busy with starting a new job and haven't had time to write much, as well as do a cover for this chapter. if you would like to be a guest on making a cover for one of the chapters let me know, send me a message or comment below. 

Week 30  Mel's POV

Over the last couple of weeks, it's being busy with Chris job as well as mine, Cat and I are officially signing the co-owning document as well as hiring new people for the summer. Maddie was happy at school and was able to get some extra work or a head start on the year one work.

Today was a special day, Maddie, Chloe, Max, Lilly Sophia and I was getting ready for everyone to come round for a small simple baby shower.

As I was getting ready I heard chatter, and familiar voices, I smiled and continued to get ready.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway I looked out and saw all the people that are in my life, I smiled as I saw Maddie with my grandparents. None of my friends where there yet we organized them to come at 12:30 and it was 12 pm now. I walked out and when Sophie saw me she smiled and I started to cry.

"My darling comes here," My grandma said, I quickly walking over to her and gave her a hug and started to cry, giving Grandpa a hug to.

"Look at you, you look beautiful, how are you feeling," Grandma asked.

"good, I'm so happy you could come," I said "Well we were paling on coming to see you when Sophia told me you had cancer. Why didn't you tell us, we would have been here in a flash" she said. I looked down "I know it's hard for you and grandpa so I didn't want to have all that pressure." I explained. "Well we are here now, and I have met your daughter, now is your husband here?" She asked "fiance, he is coming today," I said with a smile. "Well I can't wait to meet him" she replied with a smile.

I caught up with grandma and Grandpa telling them what I have achieved going from a young worker to assistant and now to co-owning Cat&Co. "My darling mum would be so proud of you, she always wanted the best for you" Grandma started, "She wrote you this letter, but I want to ask you how has Josie come to see you at all when you were having treatment?" Grandma asked I shook my head. "I called her but she said she was too busy with her book tour, but hey, at least she is here now," I said. "Melissa, you need to tell her how you feel you can't just be like 'oh well' she is your sister," Grandma told me. I nodded as the door opened. "Oh, Chris is here," I say getting up as I walk over to the door and see him along with all my other friends. "Hey, Babe," I say giving him a kiss. "Come I want you to meet my grandma and grandpa," I say he smiled, we walked over to Grandma and Grandpa. "Mr. Wood, its a pleasure to meet you, how are you grandparents?" Grandma asked. "They are well, how are you "Mrs. Benoist?" He asked. "Very well now are you taking care of her?" Grandpa asked "Yes sir, and my father would love to see you, he has told many stories about you and him," Chris said I frowned. "is it just me or do you know each other?" I asked "Your grandpa and his father were buddies, I thought you knew?" Grandma asked. "Well, now I do" I reply.
Grandma, grandpa, and Chris all laughed. "Should we get started no one knows age genders right?" I asked. Chris shook his head. "Good" I replied with a smile

"Hi everyone, thank you for coming, um I guess let's just enjoy the time while I help Sophia with a few things and when we can I guess open presents," I say with a smile.

Minutes later I came out oath some food and drinks, no alcoholic, of course, Chris and I decided we wanted to open the presents and do a gender reveal party with our friends. Chris was disappointed too because his parents said that they didn't have time, so we organized a separate dinner so we could tell them.

Chris sat down next to me while Maddie sat down on the other side of me. "So should we start?" I asked everyone, nodded. Maddie decided to designated herself to give the presents to me. "So mad's who's this one from?" I asked Maddie she shrugged making all the adults laugh. "Ok, well would you like to read the card?" I asked she nodded her head. Once she finished reading the card I opened the present. This went on until all the presents had been opened, we got many things that we wanted or really needed toys, clothes, and well nappies since we needed really twice of everything. "SO we actually have another surprise, for you Melissa" Chris started and I looked up at him "SO Melissa hasn't seen the twins rooms and what kind of pram we are getting them as you guys don't know what we are having so I thought we would do it two in one" Chris explained. I smiled, he got up and went to our the front door, and brought in a stroller with one purple and one green seat lining spice that's the color we are now going with. I covered my mouth this is the one I really wanted it counts as car seats and has three ways of placing them. "So what are you having?" Josie asked it was the first time she had talked to me since she had been here. "Girl and boy, Maddie said that we have to follow the color that we are doing for their rooms, plus she wanted purple and green," I said with a smile. "Oh, well umm at least they have a color each" Josie said I just nodded my head. "Can we go see their room? He's kept me out of it for almost four weeks" I told everyone, they laughed. We all headed up to their room. Chris covered my eye's "Ok Madd's let's open the door and help mummy walks in." I hear Chris say I say. I put my hand out just to make sure that I put bump into anything. "Ok babe, you are in the middle of the room" I nod, he uncovered my eye's and I looked at the room, the walls were white but he put all the colors around the rooms with statement pieces and bedding. "Chris I love it," I said turning to him giving him a kiss. "Come here and have a look at their cots, they were joining at the head so they would always be close to each other. "We can put their names their when they are born," he said pointing down to the crib. I gasped, I looked at him and started to cry. "I love you" I whispered "Love you too" he whispered back, he hugged and kissed, then let everyone see the room.

A few hours later the party had ended and everyone had gone home bar Sofia and her girls, as well as my parents. the girls were playing in the living room while we did the cleaning when I mean we I mean Sofia and Chris since they didn't want me lifting a finger.

The doorbell rang, I got up and got it since that was one thing I could do.

"Mr. Wood, Hi," I said surprised that she turned up at outdoor.

There you have it !! Cliffy, sorry couldn't help my self. Let me know about the Author's note above. 

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