And the genders are...

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Hey, supervalorians. So... I will probably be updating less soon because I just got a job and would need to focus on that you.. know because that's what an adult life is like... anyways I have just been getting ready for that...  SO here is the chapter. 

20 weeks

Authors POV

Today was Mel's 20-week scan, over the last 5 weeks things have been great, Maddie was thriving at school, Chris was working as was I. The new wing for visitors for kids at risk was doing very well, people were coming in and looking to adopt children. The cafe was running smoothly, Thea was back to her normal self and performing. Melissa told Thea that she would be running the cafe since Margie had the day off, Shane, of course, was helping her.

Melissa, Chris, and Maddie are sitting in the waiting room to be called, It was Maddie's first time seeing her brother or sister.

"Mummy, I need to pee," Maddie said. "Ok, Chris can you take her because I really need to pee as well and her going I may just pee in my pants," Melissa said making Chris laugh. He kissed her lips and took his daughter to the restroom. The two got back in time Melissa was called as the two sat down. They walked into the room where Maddie was held by Chris so she could see what was going on.

"you ready to see the baby?" Melissa asked her daughter "Yeah" she said happily. "Mrs. Wood, how are you?" Her nurse asked "I'm busting, but good" Melissa said as her nurse laughed. "Ok let's have a look and then I shall let you go to the bathroom." She said. She helped Melissa lift her shirt up from her small bump. "This might be cold," she said squeezing gel on Melissa's stomach. The nurse pressed hard on her stomach. Melissa winced from her bladder wanting to explode. "are you ok?" She asked again. "Yeah, you can continue," Melissa said. She nodded and waved her wand around her stomach. "So here they are, they both look great, do you want to know the genders?" The nurse asked as she took photos of the babies. Melissa looked up at Chris, He looked at Maddie. They both nodded their heads. "Well looks like your having one of each, Boy and Girl" the nurse same making Melissa and Chris smile. "Ok, so you can emptier you belly a little and then we can have more of a look." The nurse said Melissa smiled, getting up to use the bathroom. Melissa came back and they had another look before ended their appointment.

Melissa emptied her bladder one last time meeting Maddie out in the waiting room, they walked out to the car. "Can I buy my brother and sister something?" Maddie asked. "We can do that" Melissa says looking at Chris who has a smile on his face. "Maddie, why don't you go with mummy, and I will go do some manly things," he said smiled showing his flexed muscles, as Maddie giggled and Melissa smiled feeling hot in the face, blushing.

"Ok," Maddie replied. "Mel?" Chris asked as Melissa came out of her dais. "Um yeah sounds good," She said smiling looking back at her daughter.

They arrived at the shops, Melissa took Maddie's hand and they walked through the center until they arrived at a baby store. "Ok, so you can choose a little gift for each of them," Melissa said walking into the store. "Hi, how may I help you?" One of the sales assistant's. "this one wants to buy a gift for her brother and sister. Melissa said. "Well congratulations, ok so what would you like to get your brother and sister" the sales Assistant. "Ummm" Maddie Sid and looked at her mother "Why don't we have a look around and see what we could find?" Melissa suggested to her daughter, she nodded her head and they walked around the store together. "Oh, mummy what about a teddy bear or one of those things that hands over a babies crib," Maddie asked, "you mean a mobile?" Melissa confirmed. "Yeah, that thing" Maddie replied, Melissa, laughed. "Ok let's have a look," Melissa said as held her hand and walked around the store even more.

"Oh mummy look at this" she said walking over to blankets, "You can put their names on it" Maddie said "Mad's daddy and I haven't chosen their names out yet" Melissa said "Oh that's ok you can bring it back with your receipt and when you have chosen out their names we can add it on" another sales assistant told the two. "Ok, well which one do you want?" Melissa asked "Both?" She said happily. "Umm ok, how about you get the blanket, and then we have a look at all the Mobiles and when they are born you can choose which one best suits them, deal?" Melissa asked "Ok deal," she said as they shook their hands and had a looked at all the blankets. "Umm Maybe a purple one for the girl and a green one for the boy" Maddie suggested

"Umm unconventional I like it," Melissa said and looked at all the blankets. "What does that mean?" Maddie asked, "Well usually its pink for girls and blue for boys, but Green and purple is a great combination." Melissa said, "What about purple and pink poke a dots, and Green and blue poke dots?" Maddie suggested, pointing up at the poker dot blankets. "That sounds like a great idea, we can bring them back when they are born and add their initials on to them how about that?" Melissa asked. Maddie nodded "Great, let's get these and then I will come back later with daddy and get some of the other things that we will need," Melissa said as one of the ladies got down the blankets that Maddie was referring to. They paid for the blankets and left and had a walk around the shopping center, "Can we have a look in here?" Maddie asked seeing a store with some toys and clothes. "Ok, but once we have finished we are going to have lunch with daddy ok because mummy is very hangry," Melissa said making Maddie laugh.

The family had lunch and returned to the shop that Maddie asked if she could put a few things on hold to show her dad. Chris caved in a brought his daughter what she wanted but the two adults new they had to have a conversation about not having a lot of 'stuff' since that's the way Melissa live and Chris loved that about her. The two wanted Maddie to know that even if her dad earned a lot of money it didn't mean that she needed or wanted everything, and if that meant losing friends because of the money her dad earned then they weren't her friends.

The family arrived home, Maddie went to watch TV while Melissa and Chris sat on the bar stools at the kitchen bench, drinking of course tea. "So I think we should have the talk with her about money don't grow on trees" Melissa suggested. "yeah I agree I don't want my little girl to grow up to be a bitch because her father owns a big business and her mother is one of the head managers and co-owns Cat&Co one of the biggest cafes's in her town," Chris said, smiling. 

There you have it !!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm slowly writing the 'The Talk' chapter it does not want you to think but I'm hoping to get a little bit of writing in tonight and tomorrow. anyways 

Have a good evening/day. 

P.S I hope everyone in South Carolina, are ok. 

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