She just left her here

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Hey Supervalorians,  here is another update two updates in one day. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Authors pov
Chris picked Melissa up, and they drove back to his place so they could get Maddie set up. "Maddie do you like dogs" Chris asked Maddie sat there with a blank face. "Ok, well Melissa is going to take the dogs outside when we get home, so when you feel comfortable, we can introduce them to you, does that sound good?" Chris asked she nodded.
The three got home, Melissa went inside to put the dogs out side so Maddie would feel comfortable coming side.
"Ok Maddie, this is were your staying" Chris said as he got Melissa and Maddie's bags out of the back, taking a hold of Maddie's hand with his free hand. Maddie looked up at the house infant of her, it was courtly bigger then what she was used to, even though her and her mother had been couch surfing for the past 2 months.
"It's big isn't it" he asked Maddie, she nodded still in awe, don't worry, it will be fine." Chris said with a smile.
Chris walked into the house putting the bags down by the island near the kitchen. "So Maddie, make your self at home, we will need to to go the shops to get some food so we have something for dinner" Chris said
"I.. I'm not Hungary" she said. Melissa frowned. Chris saw that and walked over to Maddie while Melissa put her things away, leaving Chris to deal with his daughter, she didn't want to intrude on their conversation, plus she wasn't her mother so she felt like it wasn't her place to say anything, only if Maddie asked her something.

"Maddie, its ok, Melissa and I don't mind, buying food for you, tell me what you feel like and thats what we will have for dinner, ok, and then maybe tomorrow, you and Melissa can go shopping for clothes because I don't know anything about girl's clothes" Chris said tickling her, making her flinch and not laugh, tears began to stream down her face, not crying loudly, but sobbing quietly.
"Ok, Maddie, you ok we won't hurt you" Chris said, now not touching her. She nodded. "Can I wipe away your tears?" Chris asked, she nodded slightly, as he brought his hands slowly up to her face, carefully wiping away her tears. "Pizza" she said vert quietly. "Pizza, is that what you want for dinner?" Chris asked, she nodded. "Ok, we can get pizza, how about I show you to the room your staying in, and when I definitely know why your mother just gave you to me, we can set the room up the way you want it" Chris said trying to be happy. She nodded, getting off the couch, and walking up to the room, which was across from his and Melissa's room. "So you don't have an iPad, and I don't have any kids toys, so what do you normally do?" Chris asked Maddie. "Um I..I normally just sit on the couch and do nothing" she responded. "Your month didn't give you any toys?" He asked. And she shook her head. "Ok, well we might have to change that, I'm just going to speak to Melissa, so if you like you can watch TV" he said walking towards what she was a cupboard but was a cabinet to hold the TV. "Here you go Kid's, channels only" he said smiling, leaving the door open to her room.

"Hey" Chris said giving Melissa a kiss.
"Hi" she said smiling.
"Um so I wanted to read this with you, because I feel like we need to be in this together." Chris said this shocked Chris. "Ok, but if you feel I am over stepping boundaries please let me know" Melissa explained.
"boundaries?" Chris questioned. "I just don't. I'm not her mother or father, so I don't think I should have a say in certain things"Melissa explained .
"Mel, you are allowed to have a say in what ever you thinks best for her, I don't even think that her mother Hanna will come back" Chris explained. Melissa nodded and kissed Chris. "Why, not bring Maddie in here, she might be able to help?" Melissa asked thinking she over stepped. "Thats a good idea" Chris explained smiling, going to get Maddie.

"Come sit on the bed, we were just going to read this letter." Chris say's to Maddie. She looked down and didn't look back up. "How about we read it down stairs in a mutual" Melissa suggested. Chris agreed, Melissa helped Maddie off the bed and to her surprised Maddie kept a hold of her hand the whole way down. What surprised both Chris and Melissa is that she sat on Melissa's lap.
"So, if you don't want to say anything and we aren't going to make you, but if you want to say something, you can" Chris told Maddie, she nodded "So mummy let you and this letter with us, can we read it to you?" Melissa asked, she nodded.
I am really sorry, I can't do this anymore, I didn't want to have to ask for money. She is a great kid, I hope that you can give her the life she deserve's. Please don't contact, me after this
Hanna" Chris said, he was now concerned
"Maddie, is mum ok?" Chris asked, worried, they waited. "I..i do.. don't know" she replied.  "Ok, it's ok, do you have anyone else we can call or ask about mum?" Chris asked. "I have an emergency number in my bag." She said. "Ok, do you mind if Melissa I go upend get it?" Chris asked. "You" she said pointing at Chris, holding onto Melissa. "Ok" Chris replied looking at Melissa.
"were going to figure this out ok" Melissa said comforting Maddie.
"I..i don't wanna go back to her" Maddie said quietly.
"Why, she's your mummy" Melissa said.
"She's .." Before Maddie could finish Chris came down the stairs and became quiet again.
"I've got your bag do you want to get it out for me?" Chris asked she nodded again and got the contact out of her bag, "I tried my best to copy this number down, I don't know who it is, but she packed my bag really quickly when she found out about your facility" Maddie explained.
"Ok, do you mind if we call this number?" Melissa asked, Melissa nodded.
Chris tried to call the number but no one answered the phone. Chris sighed.
"Looks like your staying with us" he said with a smile, make your self at home and when you go girl shopping with Melissa, I can go get you toys or do you want Melissa to go get you girl toys?" Chris asked
"girl toys" she said with a smile. "Ok"  Chris responded.


"Ok good night Maddie" Chris said giving her, his first kiss to her.
"Night da.. Chris" she respond not calling him dad
Chris walked into His and Melissa's room, where she was just getting changed. "Did you take a shower with out me?" Chris asked pouting. "Umm sorry, but if you want me to have another one, I could" Melissa replied with a smirk. "It's ok I'll be five minutes" Chris said, going into his bathroom
Five minutes later he comes out of his bathroom shirtless and gets into bed, give Melissa a kiss. "So." Melissa said and Chris pulled away. "Um.. I wish I new more" Chris said. Melissa sighed. "She told me that, she didn't Want go back with her" Melissa said.  "I heard, I was in the hallway door, I just wish I new something, then we can actually help her, I mean no one would just drop a child in some office unless they are in any danger?" Chris said
"Babe that the whole point of your facility, Look, we just need to be the best I guess parents to her, let her knew that she is with us and that we would do anything for her, I just... you know my simple life, I don't... want her to grow up and be a snotty girl because. Of well your success" Melissa said. "Ummm you think im a snotty person" Chris started and then started to tickle Melissa . " sto.. stop" Melissa said laughing "I just want her to be well like you, nice kind and doesn't care about how rich her father is" Melissa said Kindly giving him a kiss. "Umm I agree, son ipad, computer, phone you know what all the rich people have?" He asked listing "Chris, come on, she can have them we just shouldn't spoiler her, I mean she needs clothes and toys but lets be real, lets live in the moment, thats what I learnt from having cancer" Melissa explained.
"Umm, well I really like the way you are taking this on, I know you are going to be a great mother to her, she's taking a very big liking to you" Chris said. "Umm I like her to, she looks a lot like you" Melissa replied.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter see you soon

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