My first day of school.

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Hey Supervalorians.  so I said I would update on Monday and I am YAAAA! so next chapter I think I will do a few months into the future maybe a year I'm not too sure yet, I know I am going to do a short chapter on the meet and greet with TAY TAY, but other than that any suggestions ?? 

anyways here's the next chapter, 

2 months later

Chris POV

It had been 2 months since we gave the Maddie and her cousins their got the big surprise of them going to meet Taylor Swift, as well as Melissa feeling sick all though for the past week or it so, today was Maddie's last day and we had been getting her ready for the last week for school, we all decided that they would be going to the same school as Max and Lilly since they would have someone they knew at a school. I had told Maddie to go pack her lunch, getting all her snacks ready so we wouldn't be flustered in the morning, since Melissa would be going back to Cat&Co full time well spending one or two days at our facility which finally had the Plan added to it with 'The Wood Child Wellness Facility for sick and troubled kids and teens'

"Is everything ok, you seem off, your not getting sick again are you, like cancer sick?" I asked worried, she shook her head and looked down. "Hey mad's do you want to get your outfit ready for tomorrow's," Mel say she smiles and nods going upstairs. Once Maddie was out of site she started to talk she normally doesn't do this unless it's serious. "Mel," I say, she sighed. "I was pregnant" she started I smiled but frowned at 'was' "yesterday I thought it was just normal to leak a little bit when it was happening all day and it was large blotches I knew that I had an early miscarriage" she told me with a tear coming down her cheek, I wiped it away. "Our time will happen. Ok, we will have our very own baby soon" I told her she smiled and nodded, I gave her a hug and sat there for a while before Maddie came down smiling, excited about her very first day off school, even though she was in preprimary she was super excited.


Today was the day, the day where Mel and I sent our daughter off to her first day of school, of course, we would be meeting Sophia, Max, and Lilly at the front gate, and walk in together, going to the office to sign a few papers and be escorted to their classes.

Max and Lilly went into their classes and now it was our turn to say goodbye to Maddie. As we walked to her classroom, I wrapped my arms around her waist and watched out daughter her large backpack on her back walk in front of us, she wanted to wear two pigtails, and honestly, it looked super cute, on her.

"Ok Maddie says goodbye to your parents," the nice lady said who was showing all the girls to their classrooms. Maddie turned round to us and gave us a hug each, we both gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She walked off into the classroom, I tried not to cry, but Melissa saw a tear run down my cheek, she just laughed and wiped it away.

Author's POV

"Good morning class," Maddie's new teacher said as Maddie was still standing at the door.

"Good morning Ms. K," the students said.

"Well class we have a new starting with us, this is Maddie Wood," she said as she helped Maddie walk to the front of the class. "Who would like to help Maddie settle in while we read a story," she asked the class, not many of the students put up their hands. "I don't bite" Maddie commented, making their kids laugh.

"Miss Nia now, would you like to help her??" Ms. K asked Nia she nodded getting up from the carpet grabbing Maddie's hand and taking her over to her desk which was located right next to her's. Nia helped Maddie unpack her bag and put everything away where it needed to within 10 minutes the pair were back on the carpet and the story had finished.

"Ms wood would you like to come up and tell us about your self?" Ms. K asked Maddie. Maddie got up and stood at the front of the class. "What do I say" Maddie questioned. "Well, what do you like to do?" Me K suggested. "I like to draw, and help my mum and dad at The Wood Child Wellness Facility for sick and troubled kids and teens' I spend time with sick kids and kids that don't have their families anymore" Maddie explained, "Do you play any sport?" Ms. K asked Maddie. "I like Baseball," Maddie said shrugging her shoulders. "Well I hope you all make her feel welcome, now let's get to our into our school work, since you are going to be going into year one next year, we are going to start our handwriting." Ms. K started.

The students went back to their seats Nia, helped Maddie get out pencils and a sheet that was in the middle of the table of 5.

Nia was very surprised at Maddie's writing as was Ms. K. "Ms. Maddie, you have a very good writing" Ms. K commented "I help mummy take orders at the cafe she works at when daddy has work to do," Maddie said with a smile


Chris dropped Melissa off at Cat&Co, for her first full day as fully fledge Manager taking over Cat for the week since she is going to look at other places where she could expand her business.

Melissa walked into the cafe after doing an hour of paperwork that Cat had left for her.

"Hey, guys how are we going?" She asked walking out to the front bench. "Good," a young lady said. "Good, so what do you we?" She asked seeing that the young lady looked flustered. "Um lost of coffee's and a few cold drinks," she said. "OK, were is Thea?" Melissa asked, she just went to the bathroom. "Ok, that's alright, you continued serving the customers and I will do all the drinks, you are doing great for your first or second day, Cyndi," Melissa said with a smile. Cyndi smiled and served the customers while Melissa made the drinks. Margie helped take all the drinks out, once it all died down and Shane was finished with all the orders Melissa took the opportunity to ask him for a favor.

"Hey, Shane can I ask a favor" Melissa started. "Um shoot" he replied "SO Chris and I are organising an event for The Wood Child Wellness Facility for sick and troubled kids and teens' would you be able to cater, we are trying to organise an event that involves a big celebrity to come and see the kids, Chris is still trying to organise it but I was wondering if you were up for it, I would have to let you know about the numbers and all the restrictions on food but we want the kids to try outside food instead of sticking with the grimy food that they get there?" Melissa asked, Shane just chuckled "Of course, just let me know about 4 weeks before and I will be able to do it I also wanted to know if we were still getting the fridge and freezer out the back?" He asked her. "Um yes, I was just getting to the paperwork, let me know the size you want and we can work it out" Melissa said Shane just nodded and smiled "By the way your doing great for your first day as 'CAT'" he said highlighting the word cat, Melissa smiled and walked out the front to clear some tables that were now empty getting ready for the next rush of people who would be coming in about an hour or so.

There you have it! the chapter is done. as I was editing the chapter I thought an idea to continue this chapter/story along. See you next time. 

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