False hope

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Joesph's POV

"He said he still doesn't know" I sigh, hanging up the phone. "How can he not know when their coming back?" Kathrine frowns confused. "He's their best friend and he lives in their home. How can he not know these things?"

"Apparently all they told him was there was a change of plan and they were going to catch a flight that night instead of the next afternoon"

"Did they say why? Or for how long?"

"It's pretty obvious why they left so suddenly" I say sarcastially. "But they said they were only gonna visit her dad for a few days"

"Did they say where in Ireland?"

"Nope. An even if they did, it wouldn't make a difference. We can't exactly drag them back can we?"

"Then what are we suposed to do? We can't just sit around and hope for the best they call or keep going to their house. Ray's already said he doesn't know anything"

"He says that, but I'm not to sure I believe him. I'm gonna go over today and speak to him. See if I can get anymore out of him"

"You've already called him everyday. What makes you think it'll be any different if you went over there" she shrugs. "Trust me. If he's hiding anything, I'll find out when I get there.

"Go where?" Janet asks, walking into the room. "I'm going over to see Ray. How come your up so early?"

"I'm gonna go down to the school to sort out these online classes and then I'm gonna go shopping for some baby stuff she smiles. "Makes sure your back back 3 though. We have the lawyer coming" I remind her "Yeah I know and don't worry, I won't forget" she smiles and kisses both of us on the cheek then leaves.

"She seems in a happy mood" I turn to Kathrine, once Janet leaves. "I think she's just getting excited about the baby and it's keeping her mind of everything. Plus Bens helping her with her online classes and..."

"About that" I cut her off. "Why is he always here? He's like 20 years old"

"He's just been helping Janet is all" she shrugs "Helping? Or 'helping?' Because you know the two of them have history. I don't think he should be around her anymore"

"Joe, their just friends and there's nothing going on between them"

"How do we know that? How do we know he isn't planning on doing what Chad did? For all we know he could be in on it and he could be one of those sexual predators and..."

"Stop" She cuts me off. "If he was apart of it then he wouldn't have told Michael what he saw that night would he?"

"Well no. But...."

"And if he was planning anything with her then he wouldn't only come over when he knows one of us were here?"

"No, but that doesn't mean..."

"It means your being paranoid" she cuts me off. "And I get it. I felt that way at first too, but he actually seems like a genuinly nice kid"

"20 isn't a kid" I point out "No, but he's been very respectful and only talks to her on the lineland which you insist on keeping on speaker phone and the only time they spend time together is at our house when either me or you are home. Does that sound like he's being a sexual preditor to you?"

"As far as I'm concerned any guy that goes near my daughter is a sexual predator"

"Why don't you go talk with Ray? Maybe it'll calm you down" she rolls her eyes at me. "Unless Ray tell me Michael and Ocean are on their way home and our giving Janet her son back, I seriously doubt anything Ray says will calm me down"

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