Bad day

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Janet's POV

"C'Mon are you getting up or what?" Timmy says and I sigh sitting up. "Finally. I've been trying to wake you for like 10 minutes. C'Mon lazy. we gotta get ready for school" he giggles. "Sorry I just didn't get much sleep last night on that mattress" I yawn. "Sorry about that. We had to throw the spare bed out, but the mattress is still pretty good though"

"Maybe I could sleep in your bed tonight?"

"You could, but you know what my mom and dad said about the two of us sleeping in the same bed. If they walked in and saw you they'd flip. Plus my beds too small for us both to share.. all night" he wiggles his eyebrows at that last part. "Well what if we switch tonight and you sleep on the mattress and I sleep in the bed?" I suggest "fine. Whatever" he sighs heavily and rolls his eyes as he leaves the room.

"Our we out of cereal again?" Timmy asks checking the cupboards. "Your dad had the last before he went to work" Sharon Timmy's mom says while doing something on her phone. "Speaking of food" she says looking up at me. "Since your brother refused to get those food stamps from you parents, you gonna have to get a job"

"He didn't refuse. My parents just don't get them because they both work" I explain "well either way your gonna have to get a job. Thing's are pretty tight around here now I'm not working so everybody has to pitch in"

"Umm... ok" I mumble "it's not that I have a problem with you staying here. It's just if your gonna be staying your gonna have to pitch in. Especially when that baby comes. Babies aren't cheap. Trust me. I've done it twice" she smiles at me through pursed lips and I smile back the same away.

I've only been living at Timmy's house for a few days, but so far it's been kinda miserable. My back is hurting from sleeping on an old mattress on the floor and there's always barely any food to eat and now Sharon is expecting me to get a job which I have no idea how she expects me to do that since I'm only 13 and I'm pregant.

I got a text message off Micheal yesturday asking me how I'm doing and if I wanna hang out sometimes this week, but my phone is a pay as you go and I haven't had any money to buy credit so I haven't been able to text him back. It's only been a few days and even though we argued alot before I moved in with Timmy and his family, but i'm really starting to miss my big brother and I really hope he doesn't think i'm ignoring him because I haven't replied to his message.

I understand that things are a little tight right now because Sharon recently lost her job, but hopefully things will be better soon.

Ocean's POV

"There's alot of vacancies for office work. You could easily do these jobs with your experience" I say to Micheal pointing at my laptop.

"And how exactly are you supposed to be going for all these interviews?" LaToya says sitting on the sofa across from us. "You can't afford to keep flying back and forth and I'm pretty sure they won't interview you on the phone or by skpe"

"Well we've been talking about that and were thinking maybe we should move over there a little earlier than planned. That way it'll be easier for Micheal to go to interviews"

"You can't move over there without a job. Especially with three young children. What are you gonna do for food and bill's and stuff? It's not exactly easy finding a job these days"

"We still have money from selling our old house for while we're here and to get things set up at the house, plus dad said he'd borrow us some money to help us out until I get a job" Micheal explains.

"Which is gonna take how long? Like I said it's not as easy to find a job these days. Plus it'll be harder for you with having a police record. You know they check that stuff right?"

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