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Michael's POV

"It's ok. It's all over now sweetie" Ocean soothes Princess, who's still crying after we get of the plane. "I didn't like that plane" DJ pouts. "I know buddy, but it's over now" I smile and I hear my name being called and turn and see my dad and Randy walking over to us.

"Hey, how was your flight?" My dad asks giving me a hug. "Not nice!" Veah frowns.

"It started raining while we were up there and it really freaked them all out and Mikey screamed the whole time" I sigh. "Aww.. well it's all over now" he cooes at Mikey and takes him from me. "He started screaming before the plane even took off. I dont know why" Ocean cuts in. "Some babies are like that. Whenever Kathrine and I used to take ours on a plane, they were all fine other than Tito. He used to kick and scream the whole time" he chuckles slightly. "Anyway. Why don't we get you all back before the rain gets any worst. They've been saying there's gonna be a storm coming"

"They've been saying that all week. It's just heavy rain" I shrug and we go to get our bags then make our way to my parents house. 

When we get to my parents house mother comes rushing over to us. "Finally. Your all home. I was worried your flight had been cancelled because of the weather" mother says  giving me a hug. "Nah.. It was just a little rain" I shrug, not seeing the big deal, unlike everybody else and hug her back and she turns and hugs Ocean and the kids.

"Why don't you all go upstairs and get into some dry clothes and I'll fix you all something to eat. You all must be starving after the flight" she smiles.

Ocean and I always love when we come to visit my parents because we don't get to see them as much as we'd like anymore and everytime we come here it's like we never left and no matter where we move this place always feels like our second home.

Janet's POV

"Here you go" Megan smiles handing me another drink. "Thanks. Umm... how do you know all these people?" I ask, noticing there isn't many people our age here. "I don’t. This is Rose's brothers friends place"

"So all these people are in college!?" I ask suprised and she nods. "Then why would they invite us?"

"Because they think We're 18. So don't say anything ok? We don't wanna get kicked out"

"Of course not" I smile and take a sip of my drink.

"You girls having fun?" Someone asks and I turn and see a really hot guy walking over to us. "I'm Ben" he smiles and I smile back at him, not saying anything

"I'm Megan an this is Janet" Megan smiles. "I haven't seen you girls around campus before"

"Well you must not have been looking hard enough" Megan smirks and he smiles at her slightly. "So.. you girls enjoying the party?"

"It's great" I smile. "It's ok. I guess" Megan shrugs casually. "Well how about this? It'll make it a little more fun"

"What is it?" I look at him confused. "What do you think it is? It's weed... duh" Megan giggles slightly and Ben hands me some. "Oh.. um.. I'm ok thanks" I mumble handing it back to him. "It's just a little weed. Just chill out" Megan shrugs. "I don't do drugs" I shake my head, remembering everything Ocean and Michael went through.

"weed isn't a real drug. Everybody does it. It's no big deal. It's not like your taking something hard-core like cocaine or heroin" she shrugs. "I can get you some coke if you prefer to try that?" Ben says and I shake my head. "Umm.. I think I'll just try the weed" I mumble, taking it from. "See? Now your starting to relax and get in the party mood" Megan smiles. "I guess just once won't kill me" I shrug.

Ocean's POV

After dinner we let the kids stay up for a little while longer then settle them down in bed then head back downstairs.

"Do you think it's to late to be calling Janet?" I ask. "I tried calling her before, but she didn't pick up" Kathrine says nervously. "She's probably sleeping. It is pretty late" Joesph cuts in. "True.. but I'll just try one last time. I feel really bad for leaving her behind"

"She's sick. It's not like we just ditched her. It was her idea. And she seemed fine when we called her when we got off the plane" Michael points out.

I know it's late and she probably won't appreciate me calling at this time of night, but I decide to call her anyway.

"Hello" Janet mumble. "Hey, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Umm.. yeah. I was sleeping. What's up? Is Mikey ok?"

"Mikey's doing great. I was just calling to check you were ok?"

"I'm fine" she mutters. "Are you sure? You sound a little off" I frown, confused by the way she keeps mumbling. "I'm fine... just tiered"

"You still not feeling any better?"

"No... I'm just gonna go to bed"

"Ok. Well I'll call you tomo..."

"I got go.. umm.. I'm gonna be sick" Janet, quickly cuts me off and hangs up the phone. "That's weird. She just hug up" I frown confused. "She just hung up on you?" Kathrine asks and I nod. "She said she was gonna be sick and hung up. "Would you rather hear her being sick?" Michael chuckles slightly. "Of course not, but something didn't sound right. She was mumbling and stuff. She didn't sound like she usually does"

"She's sick. Most people sound different when their ill. She was probably asleep when you called"

"She did say she was sleeping that actually"

"See? She's fine and Mrs Baker's just next door if she needs anything" Joesph smiles, trying to reassure me. "I guess so. I'll call her again in the morning. Hopefully she'll be feeling a little better" I smile.

I know it was probably just my paranoia so I tried to brush off the way Janet sounded on the phone. She even said herself she was tierd and I'd just woke her up. If there was a problem then she would have said so on the phone. We're only going to be here for 2 nights so I'll try not to bother her so much while we're here. Especially since the whole point of her staying behind was so she could get some rest. She's had a stomach bug all week so hopefully a few days of rest will do her good.

Janet's POV

I'm on the phone with Ocean and I quickly make and excuse and hang up when I hear Ben calling my name. She didn't call back so hopefully she didn't hear him.

"Hey, what are you doing out here by yourself" he asks, joining me in the back garden. "Um... I just came out to get some air. All that weed made me a little light headed"

"I heard you on the phone. Who's Mikey? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"No. Mikey's my um... brother. I always call him that" I lie and he nods. "You feeling any better now?"

"Not really. I think I might go home soon. All the weed and beer has made me feel all weird"

"But the nights still early. Why don't me and you go upstairs for a little while? It's quieter there and you can have a little lie down. I'll come with you so nobody walks in bothering you" he smiles and I nod and follow him upstairs.

"Who's house is this anyway?" I ask, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Just a friends" he smiles, closing the door and walks over to join me. "Are you really 18? You look really young"

"I get that alot. I'm definitely 18 though" I lie "sorry. I was just checking" he smiles "For what?" I ask confused and he smiles slightly and leans forward and kisses me and I kiss him back as he leads us both down on the bed.

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