Trust me

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Kathrine's POV

"I still can't believe you actually let him go" Rebbie comments, still going on about Joesph. "What's the big deal? Their the ones that celebrate christmas and we're all flying over their in a few days for the new year and the wedding" I shrug. "What's the big deal? Mother, your husband just packed his bags and left you! Aren't you even a little upset"

"You make it sound like he's ran off with another woman. All he's doing is spending time with his son and his family" LaToya cuts in "Thank you. At least someone understands" I smile at her through pursed lips. "It's new years day I'm worried about. I can't believe they booked a wedding an a christening on the same day... And such short notice too" I widen my eyes.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. They've been waiting for this day for like 3 years" LaToya smiles. "Have we all forgotten something?" Rebbie cuts in and we look at her confused.

"Janet? She's in rehab remember? An she's gonna miss her brothers wedding and has anybody bothered to tell her Michael and Ocean are planning on baptizing her son?"

"Janet knows about the christening an didn't seem bothered about it and Joe and I have spoken to Ray and he thinks Janet has been doing much better since her therapy sessions and your father and I think maybe her coming home and having therapy sessions may be better for her"

"Janet's never mentioned this before" Rebbie frowns confused. "Because we're going to talk to her about it today" LaToya smiles "I just think all this is a little too much for her. She's still talking about wanting to give Mikey up for adoption and now she's being told she has to leave the rehab centre and..."

"Michael and Ocean have already told her no and she doesn't have to leave. Joesph and Ray thinks she's ready to leave and Ray is with her most days so he'll know better if she's ready to leave or not" I cut her off. "Exactly" LaToya cuts in. "The whole point of her going was so she could get some help. She's not there as a punishment"

"Oh for gods sake, Toya. Why don't you quit being a kiss ass and agreeing with everything mother says... As always" Rebbie scoffs. "Why don't you quit being a shit stirer and looking for more problems.. As always" LaToya scoffs back.

"Can't I just have one day without one of my children fighting!?" I snap and Rebbie opens her mouth to speak an I put my hand up, cutting her off. "Enough!" I snap and she sighs heavily then turns and storms out of the room.

"Just one day. That's all I ask. One day without somebody fighting" I sigh, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Everybody's just all over the place is all. It'll be ok" LaToya tries to comfort me.

"Is everything really ok with you and Joesph?" She mutters "I know it's not my place to pry, but Rebbie was right about him just leaving like that and..."

"Your father and I are just fine" I smile at her through pursed lips. "I was the one that suggested he go stay with Michael and Ocean. He clearly wanted to have a christmas and to be honest. I kinda needed a break from him. We've been arguing alot latley with everything that's going on with Janet and Michael and it felt wrong him and Ocean being all the way in Miami alone while we're all here with Janet and we thought maybe a few days away from each other might do us some good"

"But they chose to leave. And Miami's their home now. They were always gonna go back"

"I know that, but after what happened after we asked them about adopting Mikey, I don't want them thinking we're taking sides and pushing them away"

"So the two of you are ok?" She asks a little unsure and I nod "Your father and I are just fine. He called me after he got off the plane and before he went to bed last night. And we're just fine" I tell her honestly.

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