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Michael's POV

"Is it time to go yet?" DJ asks, running into the kitchen. "Not yet buddy, I told you. We need to wait for auntie Janet to pick Mikey up first" I explain "But you said we can go to the batting cage today" he pouts "And we can. As soon as Janet gets here"

"How come Janet doesn't live her now? Doesn't she like us anymore?" He mumbles "Of course she does. She's just staying with aunti Rebbie right now, but She'll be back. She's just having a few problems right now is all, but She'll be ok"

"Like you and mommy did with me?" He mutters and I sigh slightly and pick him up. "DJ, your mommy and I already explained that to you. Us not being able to take care of you wasn't anything you did. Me and mommy made alot of mistakes and trust me you were never one of them. We just needed to go away for a little while so we could work on our problems and get it together, so we could take care of you properly"

"So Janet's coming home?"

"Eventually, yeah" I smile slightly and he smiles back the same way. "Can I watch cartoons untill its time to go?" He asks, changing the topic and I nod. "Of course you can" I smile and he runs off into the living room. 

"Janet, not here yet?" Ocean asks, walking into the room and I shake my head. "I'm sure she'll be here any minute though"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What do you mean?" I frown confused "About Janet, taking Mikey out alone for the day"

"Why wouldn't it be? She's his mom. She wouldn't do anything to him" I frown. "I know that, but she has been acting really weird latley and when Grace was here she asked me if she's been alone with Mikey and..."

"You didn't tell her did you?"

"Of course not, but I'm just worried that if she finds out and..."

"Well she wont" I cut her off again and sigh slighlty. "I know Janet turning up the way she did was wrong, but she's knows that and she wouldn't do it again. We can't stop her from seeing him. Have you forgotten what that did to us? I'm not gonna put her through that" I shake my head. "Of course I haven't forgotten and I'm not suggesting we stop her seeing Mikey, I'd never do that. I'm just worried if something happens and we're not there. It won't just effect Janet and Mikey, it'll effect us and our kids too"

"She'll be fine with him, but if it makes you feel better, I'll talk to her before she leaves ok?" I smile slightly and she nods and smiles back.

I understand Ocean being worried about Janet taking Mikey out alone and apart of me is worried too, but I know Janet and even though she's been acting out alot latley, I know she'd never do anything to hurt Mikey or put him in harms way.

Janet's POV

"Where the hell is it!" I snap, still looking for my phone. "Just relax, I'm sure it's around here somewhere" Chad shrugs, whilst, still texting on his phone.

"I'm sorry, but we need to get going soon. I really don't wanna be late. I've already messed up enough latley. The last thing I need is them getting more pissed off with me" I say, while still searching. "Who are you texting anyway?"

"Just a work colleague" he shrugs. "Is it about getting Mikey back?" I ask hopefully "I'm trying my best, I really am, but it's not as easy as just saying you want him back. It's gonna take time"

"It was 2 years before Michael and Ocean got DJ back" I mumble. "Exactly. Because it takes a long time and they have to do all the right checks and stuff"

"But I don't wanna have to wait that long. DJ was only a few months old when they lost custody and they've not even had him back a whole year yet. I don't wanna have to go through that" I mutter "Why don't we just concentrate on today and worry about all the other stuff later ok?" He smiles and pecks my lips and I'm about to speak when he gets another text.

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