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Janet's POV

"Hey. We were just on our way down and.."

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Michael cuts me off and I shake my head inocently. "No. Why?"

He walks into the room, ignoring me and starts looking through the draws. "What are you doing?" Timmy asks confused and Michael ignores him and continues looking, then shoves him aside and goes over to the bed.

"Wait!... I um.." I stutter as he takes the bag money from under the bed. "Where did you get this?"

"That's our money. We brought it with us when we came over and..."

"I wasn't asking you" he cuts Timmy off and looks back at me. "We brought it from home" I mumble. "So now your lying to me?" he looks at me disappointed and neither of us say anything for a moment.

"I can explain" I say nervously. "Ok" he shrugs "tell me what possible explanation can you have for yelling at my son, stealing from a charity and scamming my friends and neighbours. And don't try and lie to me" he frowns and again neither of us say anything for a moment.

"I'm sorry" I mumble

Ocean's POV

"I didn't mean to make them mad" DJ mumbles and I pick him up give him a cuddle. "Sweetie. I'm sure that whatever made them mad wasn't anything you did wrong" I say softly, still trying to comfort him.

"Then why did Dunk yell at me?" He pouts. "I have no idea, but daddy's upstairs talking to them. Why don't we get you some icecream?" I smile, changing the subject. "But you and daddy always say not before dinner" he looks at me confused. "Well I'm sure daddy won't mind just this once" I smile and take him over to the freezer to get him some ice cream which quickly cheers him up. "Can Veah have some too?"

"Of course she can" I smile.

The 3 of us are sitting at the kitchen table and we hear yelling and banging coming from in the hall. "You two stay here" I say to Veah and DJ and go and see what's going on.

"Please don't do this" Janet pleads with Michael as he's throwing suitcase into the hall. "What's going on?" I ask, walking over to them.

"Their leaving THAT'S what's going on!" Michael snaps at me. "Please don't do this. We'll give the money back and..."

"What money?" I frown confused. "We didn't steal it. We just made a little money on the side is all" Timmy shrugs. "Yeah, by scamming everybody!" Michael snaps at him then turns and tells me what happened.

"You did what!? Why would you do something like that?" I look at Janet surprised. "It doesn't matter Why. The fact is they did! and now their leaving!" Michael cuts in before she can answer me.

"Michael, please? We'll give it all back. I swear" Janet pleads with him again and again he ignores her and continues putting their bags by the door.

"Michael will you just come in here for a second?" I ask motioning him towards the living room and he follows me in and closes the door. "What!?"

"You can't just throw them out in the street like this"

"I'm not. I'll call them a cab to the airport and they can go home. I'm not letting them stay here if their gonna be stealing from everybody and..."

"But their flight isn't for 2 more days. What are they supposed to do? Sit and wait at the airport until then?"

"Not my problem" he shrugs. "Michael you really need to calm down. You can't just.. "

Happy ever after?  (A Sequal to love hurts?)Where stories live. Discover now