Taking sides

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Joesph's POV

It's been a few days since Michael and Ocean went back home and things are still pretty heated after what happened the night I spoke to them about Janet. Kathrine and Rebbie immediately took Janet's side and think Michael and Ocean were wrong for not agreeing to adopt Mikey, but luckily LaToya and Randy agree with me that it's their choice and shouldn't be pressured into adopting Mikey. The two of them have already done more than enough to help Janet and it's unfair to pressure them to do this too.

I go downstairs and LaToya is in the kitchen, making some coffee. "You not at work today?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Not until this afternoon. Me and Rebbie were gonna go see Janet at the centre"

"At least she's talking to you" I mutter "She's just upset is all, but I'm sure she'll come around"

"Or mabe Michael and Ocean will come around now they took Mikey home with them" Kathrine comments, walking into the room. "They took him home with them because he lives there and they said they'd take care of him while Janet's in rehab and to be honest she should be greatful their even do that after the way she's treated them"

"The way she treated them!? All she did was ask them for help and they just packed up an went home! They didn't even bother to stay the rest of the week or even say goodbye to her! I swear the two of them have turned into the most selfish people! After everything we've all done for them!" Kathrine snaps.

"Their not being selfish" LaToya cuts in. "Their still kids themselves and..."

"They went home early because everyone was going out of their way to make them feel as awful as possible for not agreeing to adopt Mikey" I cut in "And as for them being selfish! Tell me where they've been selfish! Was it when they let her move in with them? When they got her into a good school? When they helped her take care of her kid? When they brought her back here so she could get some help? When were they being selfish!? Because the only person that's being selfish in all this is Janet! Michael and Ocean have done nothing but try to help her and all she's done is lie to them, steal from them and then an had the balls to throw a tantrum because they refuse to adopt her kid! And they didn't just pack up and leave, they tried to talk to her but she just hung up the phone and refused to see them because she didn't like what they had to say!" I snap and kathrine doesn't say anything for a moment then turns and storms out of the room and storms upstairs.

"And there's another person I've pissed off" I sigh heavily. "I'm sure she's ok" LaToya tries to reasure me and we hear the door to mine an Kathrines bedroom slam shut. "I'm sure she will be ok" LaToya backtracks.

"What the hell am I supposed to do? No matter what I do, I always end up upsetting somebody. None if this is even my fault. Janet had the choice to adopt in the begining and she turned it down. She can't expect Michael and Ocean to keep that offer forever"

"And I agree with you 100% on this one. They've already been through alot and if they feel like that can't handle another baby then adoption is the worst thing for them to do. Their only just getting their lives on track and the last thing they need is all this drama and risk messing things up for them again. Have you spoken to them since they left?"

"I spoke to Michael this morning. He still seemed upset, but their concentrating more on this whole Christmas thing so I didn't mention anything about Janet or anything like that"

"Probably best we don't" she suggests. "Keep bringing it up will just make it worse"

Michael's POV

We tried our best to speak to Janet before we left, but it only ended with her hanging up the phone so neither me or Ocean has attempted to since. She has our number so we're going to leave her to calm down and let her call when she's ready. We've still been sending her a photo of Mikey everyday, like we promised her we would, but other than that there's not much else we can do until she's ready to speak to us so we're trying not to think about all that right now and concentrating on Christmas and making the kids happy.

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