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Chad's POV

After finishing breakfast, I go into the bedroom and Janet is still in bed. "I made you some breakfast, it's in the kitchen"

"I'm not hungry" she mumbles "Janet, you have to eat something. Are you planning on getting dressed today? Or atleast getting out of bed?"

"What's the point?" She mutters and I sigh, slightly and sit at the edge of the bed. "Janet, it's been a week. You can't just lay in bed forever. We need to move on with our lives. Mikey wouldn't want his mommy upset. He'd want you to be happy and live your life and..."

"No.. What he'd want would be to still be alive" she cuts me off. "But because of me he's not. He's dead and it's all my fault" she croaks and starts crying again. "It was an accident. You can't keep blaming yourself forever"

"An accident I caused and because of that, my son is dead... He didn't even get to have his first birthday or take his first steps" she mumbles that last part. "And I'm not even gonna have the chance to say goodbye to him. I've tried calling but it just won't connect the calls. My whole family hate me that much, I don't even know when the funeral is. All I want is to say goodbye to my son and to tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am for what I did"

"Well, me and you can do something special and say goodbye to him in our own way" I smile at her through pursed lips and she doesn't say anything.

"I'm gonna have to go to work, but I'll be back to check on you this afternoon ok?" I say softly and peck her lips and she doesn't say anything.

It's been a week since what happened and ever since we got home Janet has done nothing, but lay in bed crying and looking at photo's of the baby. I understand her being upset, but it's been a week now and I really need to get her out of bed and out of this state she's in.

Joesph's POV

"You made it!" Duncan smiles running over, when he sees me, Kathrine and LaToya, getting out of the car. "Of course. We wouldnt miss your big game" I smile, picking him up and giving him a tight cuddle.

We go inside and Ocean is busy, finishing the snacks for the charity baseball game today and Michael is busy trying to keep Duncan calm.

"I see someone has alot of energy today" I chuckle. "He's just excited about you guys coming here" Michael smiles. "We would have come sooner, but we couldn't switch our flights. We tried to but..."

"It's fine. Your here now. That's all that matters" he smiles slightly. "How are you all doing after what happed?"

"We're ok" he nods "And Janet? How's she doing?" I ask and he shrugs. "You still haven't spoken to her?" I frown "We've been calling and left her messages, but she isn't picking up"

"She hasn't even bothered to call and come to the house?"

"Maybe she just needs some time. She was pretty upset at the hostpital and..."

"Fuck giving her time! She should be here!"

"Joesph! Not infront of the children" Kathrine frowns and I take a deep breath and sigh heavily to calm myself then motion Michael into the kitchen we're LaToya and Ocean are.

"So what's going on?" I ask and Ocean looks at me confused. "Michael's just told me, Janet hasn't called or replied to your messages"

"She's just upset and..."

"And you two weren't?" I cut her off. "You both could have lost your kids because of what she did and she needs to be here and face up to it. Not hide out at Rebbie's untill things cool down" I frown. "It was an accident. She didn't do it on purpose" Kathrine cuts in. "Was it though?"

Happy ever after?  (A Sequal to love hurts?)Where stories live. Discover now