Miss Jackson

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Janet's POV

"She's so beautiful" mother smiles "I can't believe she's finally here" I smile back, still staring down at my beautiful daughter, sleeping in my arms. And my dad slowly opens the door.

"I just spoke to Micheal, everybody's on their way" he whispers and sits in the chair beside my bed.

"Are they still mad at me for not showing up?" I ask nervously. "Why would they be mad?" Ben asks, confused. "It's not your fault you went into labour"

"I know, but I was supposed to get Mikey today and..."

"Nobody's mad at you sweetie" mother cuts in. "Michael and Ocean have 3 children of their own remember? They know there's no set time and date for these things"

"When I spoke to them, they seemed more interested in how you and the baby were doing" my dad cuts in. "Speaking of which. Have you decided on a name?"

"Not yet. There was a few I liked though"

Ocean's POV

After dropping the kids off with Mrs Baker and Maria, I hurry up to the hostpital and Michael is waiting at the desk with Rebbie and Ray.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Michael smiles and pecks my lips. "Sorry. Veah was throwing a tantrum about wanting a puppy again and..."

"Can we go now? We've been waiting here forever" Rebbie, cuts me off. "We've been here 5 minuites" Ray rolls his eyes. "Well it feels like..."

"Do you know which room she's in?" I cut in, before Rebbie and Ray start arguing. I don't know what starting the argument with the two of them this morning, but it's been hours now and whatever it is, they really need to get over it by now.

We get to Janet's room and I lightly tap on the door and open it slightly. "Hey, can we come in?" I whisper, not sure if the babies sleeping or not and Janet nods and we all go in.

"Awww... She's so cute" I coo, and smile at the sweet little girl, snuggled up with in Janet's arms. "I'm really sorry about not showing. I was gonna call but..."

"Don't worry about all that" Michael cuts her off. "How you feeling?" I ask. "You thought of any names yet?" Ray asks. "Why's Ben here?" Michael asks.

"One question at a time" Janet chuckles. "I'm feeling good and Ben was with me when I went into labour. He's been with me the whole time"

"Thanks for taking care of my little sister" Michael smiles and shakes his hand. "It was no big deal" he mumbles and I can tell he looks nervous, with with everybody here.

"Of course it was. My daughter would have been all alone if it wasn't for you" Joesph smiles, sensing his nervousness to an Ben nods and smiles slightly.

"Have you decided on a name yet? I ask. "I'm not sure yet, I really like the name Tamika though. It's not offical yet but..."

"Well you have plenty of time to think of a nice name" Rebbie cuts in. "Just remember. You can't go changing your mind once it's on paper. So you need to think of the perfect name and something meaningfull. Mya's a nice name or maybe Sophie perhaps?" she smiles.

I don't say anything, but I give her the side eye. Janet clearly just said she's likes the name Tamika.

Personally it isn't a name I would have chose and I actually like Mya and Sophie, but it's Janet's baby so she can choose any name she wants.

"I love it" I smile, turning my attention back to Janet. And she smiles, but then looks like she's about to cry.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Joesph asks and she starts crying. "She's just hormonal is all" Kathrine, says softly and gives her a hug. "I just feel really bad" she sobs. "I messed everything up. You guys had your event today and you guys really didn't need all this. Not on Roberts anniversary and..."

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