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Janet's POV

Timmy and I have been texting each other all week and I agreed to hang out with him at the park today and I'm actually kinda nervous about it. I'm in my room getting ready and Ocean Knocks on my door.

"Whatacha doing?" Ocean smiles coming into my room. "I um... I told Timmy i'd meet him at the park today" I mumble unsure how she's going to react. "We've been texting each other all week and we're only hanging out as friends though"

"You haven't told him about Miami have you?" She asks nervously. "No I haven't told anybody, I promise"

"Make sure you don't. This is gonna be a new start for me and Micheal and the least people that know when and where we're going the better" she says stern yet nervously. "I promise. I haven't said a word" I smile at her through pursed lips.

I get why Micheal and Ocean wanna leave and start fresh somewhere else because i'll be doing the same thing, but I don't see why their so paranoid about people knowing when and where their moving to since Mollie and Frank are long gone now.

"You don't think I'm being stupid meeting up with him?" I ask and she shrugs. "I'm not really the best person to be judging on that one. Alot of people thought I was crazy for staying with Micheal"

"That's different though. You two are a family and have kids together" I point out "And Timmy's the father of your baby" she smiles at me through pursed lips. "You don't have to meet up with him if you don't want to"

"I do wanna meet up with him" I nod. "Are you sure? Because it sounds to me like your trying to talk yourself into it" she raises and eyebrow and I sigh heavily. "I do wanna see him, but I'm just not sure if I should. Timmy has a girlfriend and..."

"Are you sure you and him are just meeting as friends?" She cuts me off and I nod. "I'm just worried Beth will find out and flip"

"Beth's not your problem. Your baby is" she smiles at me through pursed lips. "What would you do? Like if you and Micheal broke up. Would you still talk to him?"

"We kinda did once when I went into hostpital" she mumbles. "Because of what happened with Aisha?" I ask and she nods. "Micheal was in a really bad place while I was gone. It doesn't excuse what he did just like it doesn't excuse what I did with Jermaine, but we've moved past that that" she smiles at me through pursed lips and even though she's smiling I can seen in her eyes that this topic still hurts her. "But you still talked to him and obviously things worked out?"

"Mhm. Because he made a mistake and we forgave each other for that. I know one time doesn't make it any better, but if he'd been sleeping around behind my back and cheating on me with other people then I honestly don't think I would have stayed with him"

"Would you have still spoken to him?" I ask and she nods. "Of course. We have three children together and despite the problems me and Micheal have, he's still the father of my children"

"Do you think..."

"Baby? You coming or what?" Micheal cuts me off, walking into my room. "Yeah, i'll just be a minute" she smiles at him. "Well hurry up. DJ's all hyped up to go" he smiles and leaves.

"I'm gonna have to go. We promised the kids we'd take them to the arcades today, but we'll catch up later ok?" She smiles getting up and goes to find Micheal and I nod not saying anything as she leaves

I've always really liked Ocean and we get along great, but it does get kind of annoying when she gets up and leaves like that. I get that her and Micheal are married, but she always seems to let herself be a push over when it comes to my brother. Everytime Micheal goes anywhere she follows him and always does whatever he tells her to do which is something I'd never do.

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