New leads

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Janet's POV

"Where exactly is it we're going" I ask Chad as he's driving. "Just to see a friend of mine. Don't worry about it"

"Seems along way though. Is it much further?"

"What's with all the fucking questions!?" He snaps. "I already told you where we were going. Why do you want the address so bad?"

"I don't. I just wondered is all" I mutter under my breath "Well don't! I say where we're going and that's all you need to know" he frowns and I turn an look out of the window, not saying anything.

"I do so much for you and give you a nice place to live an buy you nice things and your not even greatful are you?"

"I am greatful but..."

"But what!?" He snaps cutting me off and I don't say anything. "I do so much for you Janet and all I ask in return is for you to help me out an do a few favours for me here and there. Is it really that much effort for you to show me a little gratitude?" He asks and I shake my head. "I'm sorry" I mumble and he doesn't say anything an continues driving.

"I'm sorry. I'm just kinda stressed out today" he sighs "You know I love you right?" He asks and I nod. "And you love me too don't you?"

"Of course I do" I smile at him through pursed lips and he leans over and kisses me quickly then turns his attention back to the road.

As we're driving I notice we're coming up to a gas station. "Would it be ok if we stop here?"

"For what?"

"I'm just really hungry"

"I did warn you about skipping breakfast"

"I didn't feel to good then, but I'm really hungry now"

"Fine, but just grab something quick ok? I don't wanna keep my friend waiting all day"

"I'll be really quick, I promise" I smile as we get out of the car.

"I'm gonna use the restroom. Don't go anywhere" he says sternly and I nod and start looking around on the shelves.

As I'm looking, there's a woman, putting things on the shelves and I notice her keep glancing over at me. "Don't worry. I'm not stealing anything" I say with a slight attitude" and she quickly turns away, but every few seconds, she turns back in my direction.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and quickly take something from the shelf and walk towards the cash register.

"Just this please" I say to the woman and put a sandwich on the counter and look around to see where Chad is.

"Is everything ok?" The woman asks and I nod as I'm getting the money from my pocket.

"Are you sure? I saw you outside and you looked a little upset"

"I'm fine. Can I just get the sandwhitch? I'm kinda in a hurry" I say, putting the money on the counter.

"That man you walked with? Do you know him?" She whispers. "Mhm"

"Everything ok over here?" I hear and turn an see Chad standing behind me.

"Everything's fine" The woman answers nervously. "So why are you asking her so many questions?"

"I wasn't I was just..."

"Well don't" he cuts her off and she nods nervously "I'm sorry" she mumbles, handing me the sandwich and my change and Chad takes my hand and leads me back to the car.

"What did you say to her?" He frowns once we're back in the car and quickly starts the car and drives away.

"Nothing. I just went to pay for my food and she was asking if I was ok" I frown confused. "You sure that's all? What was going on with that other woman?"

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