Giving up

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Janet's POV

"So what happened? I thought your parents were visiting or something?" Ben asks. "They got delayed... again" I mumble that last part. "They'll be back this afternoon for sure though"

"So that means we got a few hours to spare then?" He smiles and hands me some weed. "Um.. actually. I should probably leave it. My family is really weird about that stuff. I can't be stoned when they get here"

"But you just said they won't be here for hours? You'll be fine by then" he smiles and I nod, taking it from him. "Ok, but just a little. Then I'm gonna have to get going"

"That's fine. I got classes to get to anyway" he says, getting up and leaves the room to go and take a shower.

After waiting all night for them to come home, I got a call from dad telling me that Michael and Ocean had to changed their flights again and won't be back untill today. I'm not sure what the problem was this time, but I didn't bother to ask and came over to Ben's place instead.

I am courious what the issue was, but I didn't bother to ask because each time I wait in for them I end up getting a call with some bullshit excuse for why their staying longer and it's really starting to piss me off. If they wanted to change their plans and stay longer then all they had to do was just say that instead of keep calling and coming up with excuses and trying to make out like their trying to get home faster, but it's pretty obvious their not trying very hard and they better get home today because I'm getting really sick and tierd of keep waiting at home. I haven't seen Mikey in over a week now and I'm seriously regretting letting them take him with them. After everything they went through with DJ. Michael and Ocean should know full well how it feels to have someone take their baby away and not be able to see them and I can't believe their being so selfish and keeping Mikey away from me all this time. I thought they would only be gone for two day. If I'd have known it was going to be a whole week then I never would have let them take him.

Joesph's POV

"I still can't believe I'm having to pick my son... My own flesh on blood up from some prison. This is so embarrassing" Kathrine sighs as she's getting ready. "And you didn't make it any better"

"Me!?" I widen my eyes. "I'm not the one that got drunk and decided to go joyriding. Michael only has himself to blame for this one. If he hadn't let Tony talk him into.."

"Oh will you just shut up about Tony already" she cuts me off. "Michael called you last night. Begging you to help him, but instead you left him to rot in a prison cell and left his children without a father and..."

"Kathrine. He was only in there over night. Don't you think your being a little dramatic? And he was begging me to help him. He asked me to bail him out and I said no"

"Me!? Your the one that refused to go down there and get him out, just so you could prove a point which doesn't even make any sense and to top it all off you locked all the doors and windows and hid the keys and I'm being dramatic!?"

"I only did that so Ocean wouldn't sneak out and bail him out. Which she would have" I explain for the millionth time. "So she should have bailed him out! He's her husband and thanks to you. Not only did they miss their flight home. Poor Ocean had to explain to her children why their father wasn't coming home. Do you have any idea how heart breaking that must have been for them?"

"Ocean's fine and she's just as pissed off with Michael as I am" I shrug. "Oh so now your all ganging up on him!? That's real nice. Real family loyalty you both have there. The two of you are nothing but traitors!"

"Oh my god woman will just chill the hell out already" I sigh rolling my eyes and there's a light tap on the kitchen door.

"Are you guys ready?" Ocean asks walking into the room. "Oh now you suddenly care" Kathrine frowns at her. "Maybe it's best you wait here" I suggest and she sighs rolling her eyes. "Whatever. You two just do whatever you want. Don't worry about anybody else's feelings" she snaps and walks out of the room.

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