Character info

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Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Age: 15 -16

Birthday: your birthday

Height: 5'2 or 157.48cm

Eye colour: (e/c)

Hair length: medium stops mid back (only because it's easier to write about sorry)

Hair colour: (h/c)

(What you look like change as you must it's mainly for to show where your horns are)

(What you look like change as you must it's mainly for to show where your horns are)

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Quirk: demonic dragon,
The ability to do anything a dragon and a demon can do.
She has super strength, speed

can breath fire inhale fire and use it against another person or to increase her strength,

in case her body in fire,


enhanced hearing, scent, and vision

and finally full dragon mode where her body changes and her horns go from all black to black and gold her eyes go from (e/c) to red and her body strength and power increases by 10 her dragon scales became extremely hard and helps deflect damage , sadly she can only usually only stay in this form for 5 minutes.

(Fully dragon-demon mode image please you only look like this when you use your power to it's full potential your supposed to look scary as hell because demons and dragons are scary not cute or sexy lol yes (y/n) is a loveable sweet character and looks like you when she isn't in full mode of her power it's kinda like kirishima he looks scary when he uses his quirk to his full quirk but a soft boi when he's not lol)

(Fully dragon-demon mode image please  you only look like this when you use your power to it's full potential your supposed to look scary as hell because demons and dragons are scary not cute or sexy lol yes (y/n) is a loveable sweet character and...

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Downfall to quirk:

she has to eat a lot since she has "dragon sized appetite" she goes into "kill mode" if she gets too hungry, (super moody and aggressive craving meat really badly)

If she uses super speed or strength for too long or too hard  she rips the muscles she's using to do said task (like caft muscles running)
she can usually only fly 20 minutes (even less time if she's carrying other stuff or people)
until exhaustion,

can only drink charcoal mixed drinks since pure water weakens her flames inside her,

if over-usage of quirk occurs her flames get weaker to the point she's spitting out smoke and gets a horrible headache and overheating to the point she'll faint and begin to drastically cool down.

The longer she uses her quirk without a rest the more sadistic she gets doing bolder crazier inhuman like actions a little easily letting her literal inner demon have a bit more control over her if left too long or truly traumatized the demon fully takes over although not necessarily a bad thing the demon is a lot more chaotic and less reasonable than (y/n).

In the full power of her quirk once the 5 minutes hits
(y/n) faints and her body becomes freezing cold.

Because her quirk is a sort of reptilian she doesn't do well with the cold, cold weather weakens her to the point she could "fall asleep".
(Y/n) must be kept higher than room temperature or else her heart rate starts to slow down and eventually stop

She can get overwhelmed very easily by the loudness of sounds (kinda like jirou) but also with smells because of the enhanced hearing and sense of smell (her hearing isn't half of what jirous is it's just a bit better than a standard person)

She can't eat her own fire ( so if she causes a box to catch on fire she can't put it out by inhaling the fire kinda like Natsu) 

For super vision she has to focus really hard to see things farther away she has a limit of 360 feet (a length of a football field) so she could clearly see a caterpillar 360 feet away on a leaf, the longer she uses her enhanced eyesight the worse of a headaches she gets

Mother: Akane (l/n) status deceased, quirk: demon embodiment

Father: Akio (l/n)  status deceased, quirk: dragon

Ex boyfriend: ???? ???? Status unknown, quirk: ????

Child: Emica (Emi) (l/n)  status alive, quirk unknown, age 6 months, eye colour: bright baby blue, hair colour: (h/c)

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