comic con

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today is the day you and your best friend have waited ages for, aka the only comic-con that has ever been near your hometown!! woo!! you were wearing a light pink shirt with blue ripped jeans and black vans. you also had a sharpie for finn to sign something. your best friend was wearing a red long sleeve with some blue jeans with rainbows going down the side.

you and your best friend (f/n) bought two tickets using all your money to meet finn wolfhard. you weren't one of those fans that would throw your bra at him during his concert, sexualize him, or cry/ scream to get his attention. sure you may shed a tear or two, but you want to treat him as a normal person with normal feelings.

your mom dropped you both off at the entrance and surprisingly there wasn't a line, you and f/n waited for two hours because you were first to get inside and got there extra early. once the security scary people let you in your and b/f raced to finns line. somehow you guys weren't in the front, so you still had to wait more.

"so what are you going to say to him??" f/n asked.

"honestly.. i have to clue. probably something along the lines of 'oh my god okay focus y/n breathe oh my god hi!!' and then have a mini panic attack even though i want to treat him like a normal person ahhhh," you say in one long ass breath.

"calm down we will be oka- oh my god we are almost at the front of the line
y/n i'm literally going to pass out," f/n says.

once your at the front of the line you give f/n your friend to record the interaction.

"....heY," you muster up to say.

"haha hi i'm finn!" finn says back.

"im y/n! i erm uh can i have a hug?" you awkwardly ask and then you do an even more awkward giggle wtf you never giggle.

"yes of course!!" he says back and pulls you on for a hug. you didn't realize he was hugging you so you awkwardly put your arms around him after way too long. he smells good lol (THAT SOUNDS CREEPY BYE) you two pulls away and you both smile.

"uh can you sign my phonecase i brought a sharpie," you ask.

"yes of course and also don't feel awkward around me!! you seem tense haha," finn says. (idk what finn would actually say so idk don't mind me)

you blush when he says that. when he stops signing your case you ask for another hug. his hair tickled your neck. you felt incredibly safe and happy in his arms, and did not want to let go. unfortunately you both let go.

"i just wanted to say you inspire me so much and i love calpurnia and everything you've done, and you're just such a  sweet and talented person okay bye thank you so much for coming here!!" you quickly say.

"aw that means so much thank you!! hope to see you again," he says back. whenever he talked to you he looked you right in the eyes aw.

you walk away to the other side of the place thingy finn was at and smile. i swear to god if f/n didn't get that all on video.

this is so bad wtf i haven't written in a  while i felt randomly inspired. okay bye -sarah

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