breakfast? in bed, at 11pm

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ps unedited!

it was late at night, you felt like shit. you could barely breathe out of your nose, your throat was scratchy, and your head was pounding. you didn't go to school today. you felt that the pounding in your head and the congestion in your nose would not make the day go by nicely.

your boyfriend finn has been texting all day. with sweet little messages about how he misses you, appreciates you always sitting next to him at lunch.

you hear a knock at your window. you slowly get up, seen as you can't sleep, you peer out the window, and a rock hits the window. you jump back in surprise. you open it, and see you boyfriend, finn.

you give him a look that implies he is crazy. he shrugs, somehow being able to see you from the second floor. he grabs onto a tree and starts to climb. you roll your eyes, a slight smile forming on your face.

"hey," he says flinging himself into your room.

"wow sooo stealthy!" you say in a hushed tone, your parents are asleep.

"like a ninja," he says putting his backpack down, and starting to wrap his arms around you.

"woah woah! i'm sick!"

"yeah and?" he says, moving your arms off his chest from when you pushed him off slightly. you give in, and melt into his hug. "how are you feeling?"

"shitty," you say with a dry chuckle.

"well i brought something for you!" he says, with a wide smile. he reaches into his backpack, and pulls out a thermos with soup.

your heart melts a little, "thank you finn," giving him a side hug, he kisses your head. your heart races a little every time.

you smile, and go to sit on your bed. he walks over and plops next to you, gently reaching his arm around you, kissing your head again. you quietly eat your soup, content in his arms. "you know my parents are home right?"

"yeah i saw their car. i wanted to make you feel better though!" he says with a smile, both of you still talking quietly.

you smile wide, and put your soup down on the table next to your bed. "hey finn?"


"i love you."

"i love you too, y/n."

you look up at him, and squeeze his hand. god are you in love with that boy. he slowly runs his hands through your messy hair, making you sink into him either further. you lock eyes, and his lips meet yours. at this point you don't care if your sick. you didn't see him all weekend, and seeing him on mondays was the highlight of your day, so you kiss back.

"finn," you say dragging out the n, "you're gonna get sick!"

"who cares," he says and gently kisses you again. "i certainly don't, now i'm gonna cuddle with you until you fall asleep."

so that's what's he does, he lets you rest in his loving arms, finding comfort in his body heat. once he knows your asleep, at 2am, he grabs his thermos, and leaves. he does write you a little note about how much he loves you though.

the next morning, you get out of bed a little happier than yesterday morning. your dad is sitting at the breakfast table, reading the newspaper.

"hey dad," you say, honestly feeling better. who knew a few kisses and some soup could cheer you right up.

"hey kiddo. are you going to school today?" he asks.

"yeah! why?"

"oh no reason, just wanted to know if you were feeling better after finn visited."

your eyes widen, well shit.

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