egg shells dont belong in cookies!

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for lexi <33

"finn wanna make cookies?" you beg the curly haired boy.

"but y/n i'm so lazy," finn replies dragging out the last letter in your name, and lazy.

you roll your eyes, and grab his hands. you guys are lying in your bed, you tug him up. he ends up falling off, 'not my fault'  you think.

"fine," finn says back, once again dragging out the last letter, and climbing off the ground.

you both end up making it to the kitchen, and you grab the cookie dough bag thing. finn grabs a bowl, and the oil because you're too short to reach it. you also grab the eggs and a spoon. finn is about to open the dough bag but you yell, "finn wolfhard!! wash your hands mister!!"

"okay mom jeez calm down!" finn jokingly says back. you smile, and wash your hands next to finn. he of course blow bubbles onto your face.

you cut open the bag, and dump it into the big bowl. "two eggs sir!" you exclaim in finns direction.

he hands you two eggs, "here you go m'lady!" and then puts on the play list you have together. you use the side of the bowl to break the egg open, whilst doing so finn grabs your waist, picks you up and twirls you around.

"finn put me down!!" you squeal while laughing.

"never!" he says back, smiling.

"you made me drop the flipping egg finnie!!" you scream. when he puts you down you rush over the batter, and see there is so many egg shells in the bowl. "finn!!" you scream.

"what?!" he yells back.

"you made the egg break!! now there's egg shells in the bowl!!" you exclaim. both of you are laughing so hard, the neighbors can probably hear.

"we can fix it don't worry," finn says when you're both done catching your breath. you guys pick out all the shells you can see, and add the oil.

"finn did you preheat the oven?" you ask.

"shit," finn says and runs over to the oven.

"finn!!" you say and smack your forehead. finn preheats the oven, and you guys find a cookie sheet to place the cookies onto. finn steals way too many chocolate chips from the batter, it's probably unhealthy.

you both put the cookie sheet into the now preheated oven. while waiting for the cookies to bake you play a game of monopoly. you end up losing, and you throw a house at him. ten minutes later and the cookies are ready. finn takes them out of the oven, and his clumsy ass burns his hand. you wait for the cookies to cool down, and each grab two.

you bite into your cookie, "what the fuck?"

"what?" finn asks, giggling at you.

"finn wolfhard i just bit into egg shells and chocolate!" you exclaim. finn laughs so hard tears come out of his eyes. you roll your eyes and throw the cookies away. "finn you're so lucky i love you!!" you say to the curly hair boy.

"i love you y/n," finn replies.

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