highschool sweethearts

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i sincerely apologize for not uploading, thank you so so much for 24k- almost 25k. i appreciate you all so, so much. unedited

highschool sweethearts. what a bittersweet name. bittersweet because, who knows what'll happen after highschool. if you're so infatuated with someone for four years of your life, why can't it carry on? you always believed it would, but will it after going to seperate colleges?

you, an art major. going to an arts college. finn wolfhard, your boyfriend of 4 years, going to a school in new york, unlike you in a school in california.

you and finn have so, so many amazing memories throughout your highschool years. like freshman homecoming, where finn did the only dance he could. you slow danced, awkwardly, since that boy cannot dance. by slow dance, i mean even during a slow song, finn jumped around and twirled you. you wouldn't have it any other way.

or in sophomore year, when you had to do a project together. what teacher would assign you both as partners, seen as you are too busy throwing pieces of paper at eachother from across the room, instead of paying attention. finn went to your house, was scared shitless of your parents, and then got so red when the walked in on you both kissing instead of doing the project.

or junior year, where you would hang out everyday instead of preparing for the SATS. where you would either cuddle at finns house, (he wasn't allowed over for a while), or hangout in the center of your town until ten, usually kissing by a fountain or eating pizza.

or maybe, your final year of highschool- senior year. where you carved pumpkins during halloween, made christmas cookies, watched the new years fireworks, went to a st patrick's day parade, and painted easter eggs together. or senior prom? which may have cost $60 each, but he still paid. where you wore a beautiful long, light pink dress, and he wore a tux with a little pink bow tie.

you can't choose your favorite memory, nor do you want to leave him to go across the world. when you give him one final kiss goodbye until christmas break, you get in the car, and cry. you cry so much on the highway to the airport. it hurts, it hurts so bad. and you can't do anything about it. he cried too.

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