dont scrape your knees silly!

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unedited lol i'm lazy, also requested by my bb lexi

it was wednesday november 12th, and the day before you got a skateboard. your mom bought it for you. you would not shut up about wanting one, until your parents gave in. so you decided to go to the local skate park in canada.

being the dumb rebel you are, you decide on not wearing a helmet nor pads to protect your knees and or elbows. you skate over to the skate park and look around. it's mainly males there, and you feel anxious. you walk over to one of the truck areas and try some stuff out. you fall a few times, and curse under your breath. the little cuts always hurt the worst.

on this one loop thing you fall and roll over like a somersault, and end up on your band. "fucking hell," you mutter as quietly as possible, since there are kids around on their bike with training wheels. you hear someone walk over to you. you so find out it's a boy and he offers his hand to help you up.

"hey! i saw you fall a couple times-" the boy starts.

"ah! so you were stalking me?" you confidently ask the pretty boy your hand was still laced with.

"what- no! i just noticed your new and didn't want you breaking any bones!!" the pretty boy says, rambling a little. you just laugh, and his face turns a light crimson.

"thank you for checking on me, i appreciate it. i wasn't thinking earlier to bring a helmet, plus i didn't want to look dumb," you say with a small chuckle.

the pretty boy laughs and says, "yeah that was kinda dumb."

you just roll your eyes. "so pretty boy! what's your name?" you say and wonder where in the world you got confidence to A: call a boy pretty and B: joke around and actually make small talk with him.

"ah so i'm pretty huh?" the boy asks.

"yeah but don't let it fuel your ego too much, love." you say with a slight smirk.

"you're the pretty one in this situation," he says and pauses, looking into your eyes. "the names finn."

"y/n, i'm y/n."

"well it's nice to meet ya y/n!" the pretty boy- now known as finn says, smiling.

"well, i should probably go," you say.

"oh! yeah makes sense, it's getting rather dark out." finn replies.

"yeah! so i'll see you around?" you question the rather tall, pretty boy named finn.

"oh yes definitely," finn says. he quickly kisses your cheek. you turn around and grab your skateboard.

"well. bye finn!" you say and bite your lip to prevent your smile.

"bye y/n. oh! don't forget to clean up those cuts, you don't want them there longer than they have to be." finn says with a small wink.

you blush and walk away smiling.

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