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you're sitting at a table near the window, of your local cafe. you turn around and see finn wolfhard walk in. you've heard of him, seen him in stranger things and listen to some of calpurnias music. sure you know of him, but you're not obsessed with him. you see a blonde go up to finn, with her phone in hand. the table you're sitting at is close to the door.

the girl, who you soon find out to be named allison, has a strong boston accent indicating she isn't from canada.

"finn i'm your biggest fan!! my names allison, and can i please please please! get a picture with you?? i love the show your in and your band! your songs are so good too!!" allison says.

"uh allison right?" finn asks and the girl nods. "thank you but, there's other members in the band. it isn't just my band, if you were a fan you'd know that," finn says.

"so can i get a picture?" allison asks.

"no, learn to respect my friends and come and find me. then you can get a picture," finn replies back. allison frowns, whilst you smirk. the annoying blonde grabs her stuff and leaves. she also slams the door.

you pick up your phone and text your best friend. you tell her that you're both going to have a stranger things marathon because finns a badass.

"so enjoy the show?" you hear a calm male voice ask. you jump,dropping your phone onto the table and almost knock over your hot chocolate. you look up to see finn sitting across from you.

"what- no- i wasn't- i wasn't watching," you stutter.

finn just laughs, "i saw you the whole time."

"so you were watching me?" you ask with a smirk.

"well you are cute and what else would i look at?" finn replies.

"smooth wolfhard, smooth." you say, laughing. 

"so you know me huh?" finn asks.

"oh well i've seen stranger things and IT. i'm not a huge super fan or anything though. plus i'm not the type to go up and ask for a picture, id feel bothersome," you reply.

"ah i see. well i just chugged down my coffee, so i should probably get going. what's your name by the way, i forgot to ask?" finn says smiling. what a dweeb.

"oh! i'm y/n," you say smiling.

"well y/n, text me," finn says and slides over a piece of a napkin. there's a phone number on it, how did he even have time to write that?? anyways, you type the number in your contacts. 
after a stranger things marathon with your best friend, she falls asleep. she's hogging the blanket too.

you crawl off the couch and go upstairs to your room. it's 11pm, you grab your phone and text finn. he might be sleeping but psh who needs sleep?

(bold- you italic- finn)



i just rewatched stranger things, mike is an icon and byler is definitely real.

well shit you saw baby finn

hell yeah i did

do you wanna hangout tomorrow? we could see the new wrench it ralph.

finn wolfhard you are such a child.

so is that a yes?


ok goodnight y/n <3

goodnight finnie <3

do y'all want a part 2? also i'm running on four hours of sleep whilst writing this, please send help.

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