romeo and juliet

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one week later i'm at 7k reads, thank you so much. people actually reading this book is the only thing keeping me updating it.<3
psa this is unedited and idk anything about going to university, this is so bad. i actually love romeo and juliet though ok bye

your alarm goes off, it's your second week of classes at university. you groan, rolling over to turn off your blaring phone. sitting up, you look over to see your roommate- that you don't talk to- not in your dorm anymore. you sigh, getting up and grabbing clothes.

you get dressed, grab your bag, unplug your phone, and leave. your first class, is the one you major in, acting.

you lock your dorm, and walk down the steps and outside. you walk to the main part of campus, to the art building. you go to your class on the third floor, it's too early for this. you open the door and sit in your seat at the back, next to a boy with curly hair.

once everyone is seated, the professor steps up and speaks to the class. "good morning, today we are going to be practicing what you learned yesterday, we are going to act out romeo and juliet with the person sitting next to you. it's so we can learn more about how people back then talked, and expressed love for eachother to help us with our next unit. work with the person to your right, and we will perform them in a hour! goodluck," your professor says.

you turn to your right, and the boy with the curly hair turns to you. you smile, "uh, hey! i'm y/n!"

"hey, i'm finn. i guess i'm your romeo," he says, awkwardly.

"yeah, i guess i'm your juliet?" you say, more as a question, and smile.

your professor leads you to the hide auditorium, to practice in more secluded areas. you and finn act out the scene where romeo and juliet meet for the first time, you quickly look around to see people casually kissing, like they aren't in class. you blush, not looking at finn, who is looking at you, of course you don't notice.

a hour later, the professor calls up people to act the scene on the stage. you are third.

your palms are sweating, cheeks are flushed. you step onto the stage, your professor calls action. finn looks at you, "if i profane with my unworthiest hand
this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss!" finn exclaims, grabbing your hands, your cheeks flushed.

"good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers kiss," you say, your palms touching, and foreheads connected, eyes staring into eachothers.

"have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"ay pilgrim, lips that they must use in a prayer."

"O then dear saint, let lips do what hands do! they pray, grant thou lest faith turn to despair," he says still staring into your eyes.

"saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake."

"then move not, while my prayers effect i take," finn says, and grabs your face and kisses you. you kiss back, and break apart breathless. "thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." he says with a smile.

"then have my lips the sin that they have took," you say smiling, your hand cupping his cheek.

"sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! give me my sin again," finn says, connecting your lips again, you close your eyes and kiss him back.

you break apart, "you kiss by the book."

everyone claps, "cut! that was amazing y/n and finn! it's the most passion we've seen yet!" your professor says.

you turn and smile at finn. you get off stage, sitting back down in the audience. "that wasn't just acting to me y/n," finn says grabbing your hand.

"neither to me wolfhard," you say smiling.

okay here's an explanation for those who do not understand the scene. shakespeare compared juliet to a saint, which is a holy shrine whereas romeo is compared to a pilgrim, and romeo is trying to convince julie to kiss him, and instead he kisses her. they talk about their kiss like a sin, and juliet says he's a great kisser.

i'm pretty sure at least?

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