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thank u for 26k!!
unedited! also if i made an elmax book would anyone read it? comment pls

finn walks to your dorm after a long day at college in new york. that's where you met. a stupid college party.

"hey!" you say, grinning at him.

"hey!" he replies, as you let him in. you share your dorm with your best friend in the whole world, sadie sink. she's great.

"nice picture," finn says with a chuckle, pointing to one of you and sadie crying with laughter, sitting in a random store aisle. you roll your eyes, and plop down on your bed.

"hey finn?"


"so, sadie cant go, and my parents really want me to invite someone. this weekend i'm going to florida to visit my parents, so i was wondering if you wanted to come!" you say.

"yeah i'd love to!!"

you smiled, and played mario kart with finn. if you could choose anyone to go with you, it'd obviously be sadie, but she is busy that weekend, so you decide why not your other best friend?
four days later, after telling your parents you were bringing a guy, (he sighed in response to that) you arrived at your parents house.

"holy shit it's warm," finn exclaims.

"yeah no shit, we're in florida!" you say, throwing your hands up in excitement. you run over to finn, and wrap your arms around him, "thank you for coming, i appreciate it."

"anytime y/n, i wouldn't wanna do anything else," he says with a gentle but loving smile, you grin.

your parents are on the porch, your mom smirking at you slightly for tightly hugging the boy. you roll your eyes, and run over to embrace them in a hug, finn getting your bags.

"finn stop being a gentleman or whatever! come say hi!!" you yell from across the yard. he smiles and walks over, hands shaking slightly. you notice, and once he's near enough you grab one to hold gently, to calm him down.

"so, this is finn!" you say pointing at him, "and this is my mom, and my dad." you say pointing at each.

"hi!" he says, and shakes your dads hand, keeping eye contact.

your dad took notice, and smiled, "i like this kid."
"so we only have one room, and that's the guest room/y/n's room, you can share," your mom says.

"what about the-"

"that's my office!" your mom interrupts, there is a spare room?
later that day, you say your goodnights after a very filling meal. your mom and finn got along great, he helped her cook, clean up, and made stupid jokes around them both.

you go upstairs to your room, and get changed. your cheeks flush slightly, yeah you and finn are great friends but have never had a sleepover type thing. finn noticed your cheek flush, and go into the connecting bathroom. he almost walks in on you without a shirt on- almost.

you climb into the bed without saying a word, shivering slightly from the air conditioning, since you decided to wear shorts. finn climbs in, your backs facing eachother.

at around 3am your turn around to face his face, except his eyes are closed. "finn," you whisper. you do it again, and poke his nose. "finn!" you say, a little louder.

startled, he jumps slightly, "oh hi," he says with a smile. you smile at his smile, and quickly blush when your faces are almost touching.

"i cant sleep."

"oh so you decided to ruin mine?" he said with a smirk, and smile back.

"oh hush, i was bored!"

he chuckles, "you're cute."

"what?" you accidentally blurt out.

he laughs again, "you, are, cute!"

you blush even harder, moving your hair out of your eyes. you yawn, "someone's tired," finn says.

"shut up," you say, and yawn again.
you wake up in the morning, with arms wrapped around your waist, your legs entangled with another, someone slightly breathing on your neck. you turn around to face finn, hes so close to you. you smile, and blush once more, except you have to pee. you get out of finns embrace- harder than you'd think- and walks to the bathroom. you brush your teeth and put on sweatpants, and put your hair in a bun. finn gets out of bed, missing your absence.

"good morning," you say when you come out of the bathroom.

the boy doesn't reply, making you confused. you try to go downstairs, but feel finn pull gently on your hand, causing you to turn around. you turn to  the boy, faces centimeters apart. cheeks reddening, he slowly closed the gap- slow enough giving you the chance to pull away. you don't.

his lips touch yours, warmth spreading throughout your whole body. he cups your cheek, as you gently put your hands in his hair, one of his arms is draped around you.

he pulls away, face flushed, lips a little puffy. you smile, and press a chaste kiss against his lips, and go downstairs. leaving finn, hair messy, lips puffy, cheeks red, smile wide.

¿part two?

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