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i wrote this whole thing in my math class

"hey!" finn says, running up to you in the crowded hallway.

"uh hi?" you reply, nervous why he was talking to you. you maybe have had feelings for him for a week or two, and now whenever you sit next to him in music or meet eyes around lunch you get butterflies.

"i was uh i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?" finn nervously says, messing up on his words.

you stare at him, a smile growing on your face, cheeks becoming rosy. "yeah, sure i'd love that!" you reply smiling at the taller boy.

he runs a hand through his purple curly hair, "cool! how about friday?" he asks.

"yeah that works!"

"okay i'll pick you up after we get out of this hellhole," he says, and you smile and nod. he walks away, a wide smile on both of your faces.

the next day

it was friday, and last period. you subtly grabbed your phone to check what you looked like. your lips were covered in a light pink gloss, hair down and actually tame for once. you smile, for once you feel cute.

the bell rung, and you jump out of your seat. you swing your bag over your shoulder, and rush to your locker.

finn walks up to you when you're done putting your stuff away. "ready?"

"yeah!" you say and turn to him, he smiles at you. "so where are we going?"

"it's a surprise!" he says.

you two talk on the way to the parking lot for your school, you hop in the passenger seat, and finn gets in the drivers seat.

you smile at eachother, and then you plug in the aux cord to your phone. you play wheezer, you and finn dance in the car to the songs.

finn stops at a field, and parks on the side of the street. there are colorful flowers in the field, and a few trees. "are we having a picnic??" you ask, starting to jump up and down.

"yes," he says with a chuckle, and goes to his trunk and pulls out a blanket, a basket, and two pillows.

you both set it up under a tree in the field, and play lo-fi. you smile and pull out chocolate covered strawberries, chips, sandwiches, water, lemonade, plates, napkins, and plastic forks knifes etc.

you eat the food and continuously joke around with eachother. at one point your even throwing chips at eachother, which turns into who can catch more with their mouth.

the sun starts to set, and finn lays his head in your lap. without noticing you play with his purple curls, smiling at eachother. you both stay out late until night, and have a really fun time. he even asks you on another date.

sorry this sucks i'm in geometry
very unedited i'm not supposed to be on my phone

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