the park part 3

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updating books stress me tf out i'm sorry this took so long, and the last chapter was terrible. thank u for 13k & 14k omg,, i love u all. unedited !!

it was the next day, 2:30pm, and you're already at the cafe, sitting at a window booth.

you see finn walk in, and your face brightens. "hey!" you say.

"hi," he says with a smile. his curls look soft.

"you look better in the daylight," you accidentally blurt out, your hand quickly covering your mouth.

he chuckles, and you smile and blush at that. "thanks love," he says, making your jaw drop a little, and he notices. someone's confident today.

"so what would you like," he asks as he sits down. "i'm thinking just a coffee, i had a long band practice."

"just a hot chocolate, but i'll get it!" you say getting up and lightly shoving him down when he tries to get up. you hear him yell something about not knowing what he wants in it, but you got that covered. "hey can i get a hot chocolate and his usual," you say pointing to finn behind you.

"hey finn!" the teenager said from behind the counter, his name tag reads gaten. finn just rolls his eyes and waves, you see him mutter 'shit.'

you smile, and turn around as the cashier introduces himself, he says his name is gaten and that him and finn have been friends for a while, finn saw him on broadway once too. he says finn and your order, saying itll be right up.

"how did you know i knew him?" finn asks, as you sit back down.

"my spider senses," you say, with a straight face.

"oh my god am i on a date with spider man??" finn asks sarcastically.

you're about to respond, but then your jaw drops. date? he thinks of it as a date?

finn soon realized, and his smile drops. gaten walks over with our orders, and sees the saddened looks on our faces.

"uh here's your drinks!" gaten says with a smile. you mutter a small thank you.

"did you not think of it as a date?" finn asks.

"well- um- i mean yeah i did, but i thought you didn't, and i guess i'm just um shocked, to say the least," you say back, slowly making eye contact.

he lightly smiles, and so do you. you stare at eachother for a while, until gaten comes over with your check, quietly laughing about how you've both barely had any of your drinks.

finn breaks eye contact, and quickly puts money down, before you can. you frown a little, but smile once again when finn grabs your hand and leads you out of the cafe.

finn is dragging you by the hand somewhere, you don't say anything. you grin when you realize you're at the park. he makes you stand in front of the swings, and he stands in front of you.

you just talk about your feelings, about how you have a crush on him, and how stupid that sounds. you felt like he should know, he didn't say anything though, which made your heart shatter slightly. you actually thought he liked you back.

"so uh yeah," you say, "i've liked you for a few days, maybe even a week, but why would someone like you, like someone like me." you say, a tear threatening to spill. "i should- i should go. i'm sorry for spilling out everything. bye," you say, walking towards your house.

you're almost out of the park when you hear running, you turn around and see finn in front of you. before you can even think, he connects his lips with yours. you stumble back slightly, and he grips your waist to make sure you don't.

he pulls away, and you miss the feeling, you didn't even kiss back. you place your hand on his cheek, smiling, and lean in to kiss him again. you pull away, and smile.

"you're so oblivious! of course i like you! you're so beautiful and funny and smart!! and i'm a dumb guitarist that plays at 3am at the park!!" finn says quietly, he doesn't yell at you. he knows you deal with enough of that at home. "y/n i'm sorry i didn't know what to say- and i'm sorry for ruining our date or whatever that was," he says, frowning slightly.

"of course it was a date curls." you whisper, smiling and still holding his cheek.

here's the crappy end of the mini series story thing uh gn

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