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                              Again. It happened again. Yet another family sent me back to the orphanage in just a week. I don't understand what people want. First they say they love me and then I'm back at the orphanage.
                              Let me introduce myself, my name is Winter. I don't know if I have a mother or father or even a sibling, and I like it that way. I have brown hair and crystal blue eyes. It may sound mean that I say I don't want to know my family, but it's not easy for me to trust, let alone love. My parents brought me here for one reason and one reason only- they didn't want me. I'm not sure if I remember my last name but I don't want to if my own family passed me up.

I have my own room in the orphanage and I'm actually really lucky because of it. Most of the other girls' share a room with up to 3 more people. My room has two book shelves, two beds, a t.v., and a desk. It seems like a lot of space for one person, but I like it. The shelves are full of books, the beds neatly made and the desk is clear. The other girls call me a loner but I don't pay any attention. They can call me what they want, I couldn't care less.

My 16th birthday is coming up in a few months and all I want to do is get out of this place. The girls' love to annoy me because they know I am short tempered. I'm surprised they don't leave me alone considering that I get into at least two fights a day, and always win. The nice ladies at the front desk always come up in my room to see if I'm okay. Everytime, every single time they come up here they talk about my parents. The same things always happen. I cry. I miss my family, even though it might not seem like it, I do. I wondered what my mom looked like, I wondered if my dad and I were close and I wondered if I had siblings.

The wind was howling outside my window as a knock came from my door.

"Go away." I simply said, not wanting to deal with anything right now. I was in the middle of a good book, just about to find out who kidnapped to main character.

"Winter, open up." It was the lady at the front desk. She was here and ready for her daily visit, but she wasn't coming in. My door was locked, and even if she had a key to get in, I was going to ignore her. Great, she opened the door.

"I thought I said go away." I turned the page of my book, completly ignoring the front desk lady.

"I told you to keep that door open." She sat on the bed across from mine and waited for me to answer.

"I like it closed." I said, my eyes moving faster down the page of my book.

"Why do you shut people out? We're all here for you." She says, and I hear her voice fill with sorrow and worry.

"Because I can... and I don't need you guys here.. please go away." My voice was flat as I looked up at her with my head still down. She sighed, got up, and left.

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