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   "Shhhhh, it's okay, it's okay, your safe now. Its okay, your okay, calm down." Eistyn was trying to calm me down. I was in his arms, and he was rubbing little circles on my back. I couldn't breath, and I was afraid to move. Eistyn was trying so hard to calm me down, but I just cried harder. I know what I said about crying, but I almost lost my life. Eistyn was rubbing little circles on my back and swaying us to move with the wind.

   "Your okay, your okay. I will never let you fall, your always safe with me. Calm down, you'll be okay." Eistyn whispered in my ear. Then kissed the top of my head. I didn't care if my legs hurt from standing, I didn't care. He started to sing/hum my favorite song that I listened to when it rained.

    Well can't you see that it's just rainin', there ain't no need to go outside

   But baby, you hardly even know this, when I try to show you this

This song is ment to keep you from doin whatchya supposed to

Wakin up to early maybe we could sleep, make you banana pancakes,

pretend like its the weekend now... we could pretend it all the time.. Jack Johnson sung that song. Eistyn sung it better. I was now calm and relaxed, I swayed with him, not wanting to let him go. He just saved my life, I'm never letting him go.

    "I'll never let you go." Eistyn whispered in my ear, making me melt more. I looked up at him.

     "Good." I said simply, letting my head rest on his chest again.

     "Winter?" He spoke while looking down at me.

   "Hmm?" I said, not wanting to look up. He put a finger under my chin, making me look up at him.

   "Nothing. Never mind." He smiled and I shrugged. I laid my head back down, but I needed to tell him something.

     "Eistyn?" I said his name, making him look down at me.


    "Thank you, for being here with me. And for saving me."

    "There's no place I'd rather be." I felt my cheeks get hot when he said that.

     "I want to give you something." He said, releasing the hug. I tensed up a bit, I was afraid to fall.

     "C-Can we get d-down f-first?" I stuttered, I was so scared.

     "Good idea. You have to get the tree though."

    "Okay." I knew what I had to do. I was so grateful once we were on the ground again. I was still afraid to fall, though. In love......I was afraid to fall in love.....

     "Turn around." Eistyn ordered, and I did what I was told.

     "Move your hair." Eistyn ordered once again, I moved my hair. I heard shuffling, then a loud snap.

     "Close your eyes." Once my eyes were closed, I felt something cold against my chest and neck. Eistyn took my hair from my hands, letting it fall on my back. I looked down and touched the necklace, slowly turning to Eistyn who had a bright smile glued on his face.

      "Do you like it?" He asked rocking back and forth on his feet. He took my hand and we started to walk back to the house.

     "Like is an understatement. I love it." I said walking along with him, with a smile plastered on my face as well. The necklace read 'beautiful', it made me blush. He opened the house door slowly, and let me go in first. I walked silently to Holly's room, and Eistyn walked to his room. I knocked on Holly's door, surprised that she answered. When I opened the door, I saw Holly on her laptop, and Icess on the foot of the bed channel surfing the t.v.

     "Winter!" Ice for up and ran to me. Giving me a hug.

     "Hey, don't squeeze to tight, a girl gotta breathe." I said laughing and she released me from her grip.

    "Hey, Holly can I borrow some clothes?"

    "Yeah, sure, in the closet." Holly pointed over to the walk-in closet that was on the other side of the room. I grabbed a sports bra, a plain white T-shirt, and purple checkered pajama pants.

      "Thank you." I told Holly and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I saw Eistyn standing by the toaster.

    "Hey, what are you making?"

    "Toast. Want some?"

   "Do you have butter?" I asked


     "Do you have sugar?" I questioned again.


     "Yeah, make me a piece."

    "Why do you need sugar for buttered toast?" Eistyn questioned me as he handed me a plate with two pieces of buttered toast, and a cup of sugar and a spoon. I open the sugar lid and got a small scoop, then sprinkled it on the toast.

     When we were done eating, Eistyn took my plate and put it it the sink.

   "I see your wearing the necklace." He looked at me and smirked.

   "Yes I am."

"Good. You look very beautiful."

"Thank you." I replied and got under the blanket that was on the couch, I had no problem sleeping there, it felt like a bed, so?

   "Good night beautiful." Eistyn leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  "Good night."

  "Sleep tight." He replied.

  "Don't let the bed bugs bit!" We both practically yell at the same time. The last thing I heard was his voice then nothing.

   "Good night beautiful." He said one more time. Then turned off the light and went up to bed.




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