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Justin never really showed any emotion, but anger swept over his whole body. He lost so much. His father and now, his sister. All because of his brother. He wasn't alone though. Now, we were exactly the same. We had lost a parent, a sister, and now we had a sibling who wanted us dead.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." Maddie was looking at me while Justin continued to look at Eistyn.

"Yeah....Same here." Now I spoke. I couldn't wait for her to be gone.

"You don't mean that. Both of you." Eistyn was speaking to Maddie and I. When Justin sent me a mind message. 'I kill your sister, you kill my brother. Deal?' Of course I wanted to say yes. 'Deal.'

He let go of my hand. And surprisingly, Eistyn dropped the gun. Using my gift, I took the gun and through it back. No one would have it.

"Are we gonna fight, or stare at each other like dinner." Maddie spoke again, breaking the silence.

"Fight." I simply said. As a smirk crept up Maddie's face.


"We can only use our gifts."

"That's no fair! You have the gift of pain!" Eistyn whined.

"Anything else?" Maddie spoke impatiently. Wanting to get the rules out of the way.

"Teams. Clearly, Justin and I. Then you and Eistyn."

"That all?"

"No reading minds. You can only send and receive messages from your team partner. That's all."

"That's all?" Maddie knew that I might continue, but I didn't. I just nodded my head yes. Justin instantly went into panic, but he wasn't alone. By Eistyn's expression, anyone could tell that he was afraid. I don't understand why. 'Use his fear against him.' Justin spoke to me, through mind. 'No. He will expect that.' I said back. I wasn't going to die, and I wasn't going to let Justin either. I started to feel bad for Maddie, I wanted to kill her but she's my sister, I don't think I could bring myself to do it. Justin was. 'Don't hurt him.' Justin's voice rang in my head, snapping me out of my thoughts. 'You want him dead, right?' I spoke back to him. 'Yes.' 'Then how am I suppose to kill without hurting.?' I knew he couldn't answer that. The only way for a vampire to kill someone without hurting them was to bite them. I'm not gonna bit Eistyn. I felt myself in the air, before being pushed into a tree. Eistyn. 'Still want your brother dead?!' I screamed at Justin mentally while I rubbed my head from the hard fall. 'Yes.' Justin answered my question. 'I'm making it as painful as possible.' I smiled evilly while I got up. Maddie and Justin were fighting, with Maddie missing ever shot. She was never a good fighter.

"Guess I didn't throw you hard enough." Eistyn walked towards me with the same grin on his face that I had. Pure evil.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." My smile grew wider as I jumped up to the nearest tree. 'Where did you go?!' Justin's voice had more panic in it then ever. 'The mall! Where do you think I am?! I'm in a tree trying to kill your brother.' Yeah, Justin was worried, but way to much. 'Be careful, Eistyn is fast.' Justin thought he was giving me a heads up. 'Don't worry.' I had more evil on my voice then reassurance.

"Run run run as fast as you can, You can't catch me! And do you know why? Cause I'm faster than you!" I sang to Eistyn. I don't care if it didn't make sense, as long as it was true. And it was. I kept jumping higher and higher, till I reached the top of the tree. I waited for Eistyn as I watched Justin and Maddie fight. Up-cut, left hook, right hook. Maddie wouldn't stop throwing punches. She got Justin a few times in the jaw.

"Miss me?" Eistyn spoke behind me, almost making me fall.

"You wish." I said close to jumping down, before he grabbed me.

"Yeah I do. I seriously want to help you."

"I don't want your help." I stomped on his foot, punched his nose, and elbowed him in the stomach.

"If you can't tell." I finished my sentence and jumped down from the tree so I could help Justin.

It was to late. Justin had a 4 inch thick stick in his heart. It was only me. I had lost the most important people in my life. Maddie had done this.

"Maddie, go home or something I got this." Eistyn looked at me then Maddie with an evil grin.

"You sure?" Maddie questioned.

"Possitive." Eistyn spoke, Maddie shrugged and I was scared. Once Maddie couldn't be seen, Eistyn walked slowly over to me, and got on one knee. He pulled out a little black box from his pocket, and opened it. A beautiful ring sparkled in the moon light.

"Marry me?" He spoke, obviously nervous. I just stared.

"Are you gonna answer?" He broke a never ending silence between us.

"You killed my best friend and you let Maddie kill Ice. Right in front of me. " I looked at him with sad eyes, which he returned while closing the box and standing up. Before he put the box back in his pocket, I grabbed his arm.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I look sad but fireworks were set off in me.

"Well, you said no." We stood still.

"No I didn't." I said with a small smile. Eistyn beamed and opened the box and slid the ring on my finger.

"You know, it might rain. We should get everyone and bring them back to the house." He spoke picking up Justin's limp body while I picked up Icess. We would come back for Holly. We were vampires, we could run to the house and back 10 times in under a minute. That's what we did. Once the corpses were all in the house, we put each one in a room. Holly and Ice went in Holly's room and Justin went in his room. Eistyn put on a movie and we sat on the couch. All night. We watched movies, laughed, had popcorn and eventually fell asleep.

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