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When I woke up the next morning I saw Maddie, hovering over me with the widest grin I ever saw on her. My feet and hands ached. When I asked Maddie what happened to me, she said that I left a note on my bed saying I went to the waterfall. Something felt weird inside my mouth, but I just ignored it.

         "Winter? Are you hungry?" She asked, the grin still plastered on her face.

       "Not really, but I could eat." I said, shrugging.

   "Where do you want to feed?" Maddie seemed to be excited that I was going to feed. Especially on her. That's what she was for. I did not pass up the chance.

   "Um in here, right now. My stomach is killing me."

    We did our now usual routine. She tilted her head, my fangs came out, and I fed. She asked if I was doing anything today(which I wasn't) so she invited me to the mall with her. We both knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get out of the house, and the waterfall didn't help at all.

        When we got there, I saw all of these people. All of these innocent people. When Maddie saw my face, she knew what was going through my head. I was hearing the voice again, the voice telling me not to hunt in the mall. I turned and looked at Maddie with a confused expression on my face.

       "You heard a voice, didn't you?" She asked, frowning.

     "Um. yeah., Maddie? How did you know about the voice?" We kept walking. Walking past people who didn't know how to say 'sorry' of they bumped into you.

       "I'm the voice Winter. I've been sending mind messages to you. As your blood servant, somehow, I have the power to see what you are going to do and I can send you mind messages telling you not to do it." Maddie explained.

         I couldn't help but see everyone as a blood bag, Maddie knew that. She knew I had to feed.

      "C'mon you need to feed, and not on these innocent people."


She took me to the restroom, made sure no one was in there, and locked the door. With that done, I fed. When we walked out, I saw someone I never thought I'd see. I did what I never thought I could do. I read her mind. I was surprised, but Maddie knew it was coming, then she told me something that made my jaw drop.


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