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I don't want to go. Where would we go?

"What is she gonna do?"

"Kill Eistyn, for good. Then kill you, Holly, Me, and then Icess." He answered honesty. That's the order, and we knew what was gonna happen. I ran to Holly's room, that's where all of my stuff is. I grabbed shorts, shirts, pants, jackets, socks, shoes, and I put my necklace back on, then the blue diamond studded bracket my mom gave me.

"Are you ready?" Justin came in asking.

"As ready as I'll ever be. You?" I looked around, scanning the room.

"Yep. Lets go." He nodded toward the door before I grabbed his arm. making him stop.

"Are you sure Icess is gonna be okay?"

"Positive. We need to go."

"Get Eistyn! " Justin was about to walk down stairs before I reminded him about his brother.

"Right." He turned back and put Eistyn on his back.

"Do you want me to carry your bag?"

"No, I got it."

"Okay. Lets go." We started heading for the door when I had a vision.


We were going to the waterfall. Shocker. We were gonna fight. Holly, Ice and Maddie were already there.

              *END OF VISION*

When we got to the waterfall Maddie was on Holly, about to stab her.

   "Maddie, no!" With out thinking, I dropped my bag and charged at Maddie, pinning her down.

   "What's the matter with you?!"

  "You! Your my problem! Get off!" Maddie screamed at me then shoved me off of her. I get why I was the problem. I was laying on the ground when Icess came and grabbed me to the other side. It was like we had our own army, we were srong and powerful, but it felt like we were weak and useless without Eistyn. He was our secret weapon, he was the one who would protect us from Maddie. Icess was squeezing my hand, looking at me with fear deap in her eyes.

"You know we can kill her, why don't we do it now to get it over with." Holly took me away from Icess and talked to me behind a tree.

  "Not yet. Help me bring back Eistyn." I looked at Holly. She was mad, you know, because she's as almost killed by my sister.

  "Okay." We walked back over to the group. Ice was hugging someone, and Justin was just staring blankly at the figure. The green eyes, they were... familiar. Icess finally let go of the figure, reaviling the figure. We just stared at each other.

   "Eistyn?" I looked at him. And he stared back. He was excited, I mean excited. He towards me, giving me a bear hug.

   "C-can't b-breath." I was surprised I managed to get those words out. He released me, after about another minute.

   "Come on. Lets fight." He looked at me, waking towards the group again. He wasn't afraid to hurt Maddie, and by the expression on Maddie's face, she wasn't afraid to hurt him either.

    "Icess is not gonna be here when we fight." I pulled Eistyn back.

    "We need her."

  "What?! For what?!"

    "Before Justin went to bed the other day, he told me that Ice got her gift."

   "What is it?!" I sounded way to excited, oh well!

   "You'll find out." Eistyn smirked, teasing me. What's wrong with him?! He knew that I would get it out of him.

   "Tell me.... now." I looked at him, gripping his hand harder. He flinched in pain a little bIt, but then suddenly got stronger.

   "She has all of your powers, except for one."

    "Which one?"

"She can't heal people. And when she's hurt, it takes her a little longer then it's supposed to be for her to heal herself." He looked at me with sad eyes. He was trying to tell me something, I got the message.

    "Icess is hurt?!" I jerked my hand away, backing away from him.

  "Calm down." I suddenly felt relaxed. His gift. Of course.

  "Okay. Just tell me what's wrong with her so I can heal her." I almost started to cry, so he pulled me in for a hug. When he let me go, Icess came and hugged me.

   "She got hurt-" Eistyn got cut off by Icess.

   "I'm fine." She said simply.

   "But-" Eistyn started again

   "I said I'm fine!" Ice raised her voice at Eistyn. Geez, she is like me.

  "What's wrong." I looked at Ice, closely.

   "I'm f-" I cut her off.

"Don't start. What's wring with you?" She wasn't gonna start. No, not to me.

   "Before you came, Maddie cut me." She pulled up her sleeve, revealing a deep and bad cut. Eistyn said that she couldn't heal herself completely, that explains why she was still bleeding, a lot. I took her arm in one hand and placed my other hand over the deep gash.

    "Heal." I closed my eyes. I heard Icess gasp. Whenever I healed someone, there was a slight burn then sting. I opened my eyes and looked at her arm. She had a dark pink scare where the gash was. Icess and I smiled at each other then she went back to the epic stare-down between the group and Maddie.

   "I'm gonna kill Maddie, and I'm sure Ice is gonna want to help." I turned back to Eistyn, happy that he was alive.

   "I'm happy to." He looked at me and smiled. He knew what I was thinking, despite the tone of my voice. We walked back to the group. Maddie gripped the knife when she saw me.

    "Did the princess get her prince yet?" Maddie was talking to me.

    "Did the baby get her bottle?" I spoke back to Maddie, but in a baby voice.

    "Ohhhhhh!!!!!!" Eistyn and Justin yelled at the same time. Ice and Holly let out a giggle.

Maddie looked like she gave me a warning look, maybe she wasn't looking at me. I was in front of the whole group, and everyone was behind me. Maddie gave a little nod and an evil smirk, what was she doing?!

   "I'm sorry." I heard Eistyn speak behind me, and his hand on my shoulder. I felt a shock then a sharp pain in my side. I felt blood rush from my side as I fell to my knees.

    "Winter!" I heard Icess call my name, and I saw Eistyn walk over beside Maddie. I fell on my back, with a hard thump. I felt my heart beat faster and faster, and it felt like a hammer had been slammed into my head. My heart was racing, which just made blood come out faster. My eyes started to flutter close but Icess managed to keep me awake. She took my left hand as Holly took my other one. I stared at the now orange and pink sky, as Icess put her hand on the gash. I opened my eyes, and just looked at my surroundings. Both, Holly and Icess had there eyes closed, but Icess eyes opened and looked at me.

    "Close your eyes." Ice spoke to me with a faint voice. I couldn't speak, I nodded my head slightly and my eyes fluttered so they were closed. Icess put her free hand on my gash, letting my blood spread on her small hand.

    "Heal." Icess spoke and both girls squeezed my hands. I heard shuffling of the leaves, then a cold hand on my forehead. I assumed it was Justin. My blood stopped, and my skin started to stich itself up. I had a large pink scare now. Everyone let out a breathe. My body went limp, but I was still paralyzed. I opened my eyes slowly, only to see everyone sitting around me. Almost everyone. Justin offered his hand to me, trying to help me up. I took it, trusting my weight in his possession.


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