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When Maddie got up, she whipped the extra blood away from her stained lips. She looked at the limp and soon-to-be dead body, then smiled.

"I don't see how you drank that." I said folding my arms, with my left shoulder against the tree. Maddie froze. She was paralyzed. I pushed myself off the tree and walked over in front of her. Her mouth was dropped, revealing perfect human teeth instead to vicious snake-like fangs. Her eyes returned to it's original color of hazelnut brown. What was wrong with her?

"Earth to Maddie." Instead of her responding in words, she pointed behind me. It was a girl. She was about the age of the guy climber. She was also a climber. She was hanging in the tree that I was previously leaning against. She was skinned, with a bucket of her blood under her feet. Maddie and I turned to the next tree and saw a little girl, who of which was skinned and hung with a bucket under her feet like the young lady. We turned to the next tree then the next and the next. We saw the samething over and over. One person for every one tree. Who did this? Once we were facing the waterfall we saw something that made us both back away slowly.

A fox. A fox covered in cuts and scares and blood. He looked at us, with cold dark red eyes. A black circle around his eyes, and teeth stained red. Standing next to our mother. I didn't want to believe that a bloody fox killed my mom, especially since Holly showed me it was Maddie. We would have to ask, no matter how scared we were. We backed up, but ended up tripping on the body that Maddie had killed. The fox looked away from our mother laying on the ground, picked up an axe and looked at Maddie and I. He walked over to us with the axe tight in his grip, and stood at our feet. He laughed, put the axe up and did what Maddie and I didn't expect him to do.

He threw the axe at the tree behind us. He hit the young lady square in the throat. Her body fell directly in the bucket of blood then fell to the ground, dumping the blood and mixing it with twigs, leaves, and the grass. The fox laughed once again, coughed up blood, then went back to our mother.

"What is that thing?" Maddie whispered to me, propping herself on her elbows.

"Give it, now." I nodded to the wristblade that Maddie still had. I sat up, and poked the dead guy with the tip of my shoe. Maddie undid the straps and slid it off her wrist in one swift move. She handed it to me as she sat up. I slipped it on and clenched my fist at the sudden coldness. The fox stopped, and stood up straight. He was standing there, head dropped down and looking down at Maddie's and I's dead, cold and helpless mother.

"What did she do to die?" The fox spoke. Turning his head slightly, as if asking the question to me. He immediately dropped to the ground, gagging and throwing up blood. This really was a mess. He stood once again, and cried. Tears rushing down his face, blood on his mouth, and he felt sorry for someone who had been dead for to long.

"What did she do!" He raised his voice and snapped his head to look at Maddie and I. He walked past us to get the axe that impaled the tree behind the now hanging head. The young ladies head. He yanked the axe out of the tree and threw it once again, hitting the little girl. Poor family. This should be lesson. Just like the mother, the little girl's body fell in the bucket, which toppled over. Piles of blood and bodies were everywhere. He went to the tree behind the little girl's head and instead of taking the axe out of the tree, he rested his forehead against the tree and cried once more.

"Please. Tell me what she did." He spoke over loud sobs and tears. Did he really care that much? Apparently, but why?

"Yeah Maddie, tell him what mom did to get killed." I gave her a glare as my vision began to get red as tears filled my eyes.

"Mom? You're her. Daughters'?" The fox questioned as he got his axe then walked to us and sat down. The only thing keeping the fox separated from Maddie and I was the now dead body of the mountain climber. I looked deep into his blood shot eyes, trying to figure out why he cares so much. I gave up, the only way to find out was to ask.

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