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I backed away from Maddie. I didn't want to, I wanted to burst out in tears and tell her I was sorry, that I was so so sorry. Only, I wasn't. I wasn't sorry for what I had done. I wasn't proud of it though, especially since she was my sister. I wasn't ashamed of it either. This was who I was and this is what I did. And this is what she was for. Once my fangs were gone, and my eyes returned back to normal, I backed away from Maddie. She seemed shocked. I couldn't stay. I ran out of the room and into the woods at vampire speed. I stopped. I heard the sound of water. A waterfall. That's what it was, and it was pieceful. I began running once again. Then I came to a halt, my feet were nearly touching the water. I saw it, the most beautiful thing ever. I saw a large body of water at the top. With the water flowing down as gravity pulled it down, it seemed so graceful, the whole thing just slowly falling. When it came to the bottom, it crashed on the rocks and boulders below, creating a slight mist that hit my face ever so slightly, as the pine smelling breeze pushed it further back behind me. It was relaxing. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and jumped up. When I opened my eyes again, I was at the top of the waterfall. Then it happened. A mountain climber in the distance had scraped his knee. The voice in my head told me to go and hunt for myself, but a different voice told me not to. The voice wasn't mine, someone else was here with me. It was telling me not to go. I looked everywhere, jumping from tree top to tree top. No one was there. I swear I heard a voice. Was it in my head? Or was it real? It didn't matter, I took a deep breath and jumped from tree to tree again. Slowly and quietly making my way to the mountain climber. I jumped on his back, and bit him. At first his blood tasted like Maddie's but as I sucked the blood more into my mouth, his blood tasted disgusting. He stopped yelling now, and his body became limp. He let go of the rocks he was holding on to, and he just hung there. The rope coming from the top was holding him. He was a skinny man, but his blood tasted fatty and disgusting. It didn't matter any more, I drained him dry.

    I heard another voice coming from the top of the mountain. I crawled up the mountain a little more before jumping on a tree, and I climbed the rest of the way up. I hoped that this guy's blood tasted better. I surprised him by jumping on his back. My eyes were red and my fangs were out again. I drank his blood, it tasted a lot better then the other guys. I drained him dry as well, and I watched him fall on the ground. I didn't feel a hint of regret as I made my way back to the waterfall. I took one last deep breath in before I ran home to Maddie. I needed her blood. I didn't really feel the hunger any more but it was still there. I busted though the basement door and Maddie was still there, but our mom was gone.

      "Where did mom go?" I asked, walking over to Maddie.

   "Shopping, not all of us can drink blood you know." She replied with a smirk.

        "I need more." I sounded more eager then ever.

   "Um. Sure that's what I'm here for."

I jumped up and down clapping my hands. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Maddie stood up and tilted her head to the left, I made my fangs come out and I sunk them into her neck. To my surprise she felt no pain, and that's what my mother was telling me about. When I bite her more than once, she won't feel pain. I took my fangs out of her neck, and licked the blood off of my teeth. I was absolutely full. I felt the hunger no more. With that, I fixed her dinner with the stuff we had, because she had already given me my dinner. I made her pasta with a side salad. She told me that she wanted her blood  to stay healthy. With her eating her dinner, I went up to bed.

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