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                 * DREAM*

I was sitting in an old wood chair. My feet were tied to the front legs of the chair with rope. My hands were behind me and tied with a zip-tie. I had cloth in my mouth to prevent me from talking. Holly was laying on the floor, her hands were tied with a zip-tie and her feet were tied in rope, she had cloth in her mouth as well.When I opened my eyes, Maddie was sitting criss-cross next to Holly, polishing a knife.

         "Did you have a nice rest?" Maddie's voice was cold and hard along with her hazelnut eyes. My head was spinning like a top.

       "Holly really should've told you about what happened to mom. I warned you, I told you that you both were gonna pay." Maddie took the point of the knife and started to trace Holly's body. She started at Holly's forehead, going down to her stomach then making her way down to Holly's foot. I was in panic even though I tried not to show it, Maddie knew I was. She traced Holly again but starting at her foot and stopping at her stomach.

        "I told you not to tell her!" She screamed at Holly, jabbing the knife in her stomach. Holly winced in pain, and my vision became red as tears came down my face. Holly started to cry harder with me as Maddie twisted the knife. Holly stopped crying, she didn't move, didn't breath. Holly Angela Bakerton was dead.

        "Your turn." Maddie took the knife out of Holly and walked towards me with an evil grin on her face.

            *END OF DREAM*

"Winter! Wake up! Wake up!" Holly's voice woke me up from the horrible dream. When I opened my eyes she was staring at me in confusion. My mouth dropped and my eyes started to tear up. I hugged her, tight. She was startled but then she hugged me to. I couldn't help but cry in relief. My best friend was okay. She was okay, she was alive, well sort of, she's a vampire.

        "Winter what happened? You were crying and screaming and shaking." Her voice and eyes had concern in them. That's the way I liked it. Her worrying about brought me joy, but it brought a frown to my face when Maddie cared for me.

         "It w-was Ma-Maddie. Sh-she killed y-you." I couldn't keep my words straight, I was sobbing my eyes out. Her eyes started to water like she was gonna cry. She hugged me again, I was so relieved that she was alive. She stroked a piece of hair back behind my ear, then froze. Was she? Could she? Her eyes turned white but her hand remained on my head.


       When her eyes were back to normal, she took her hand off my head and leaned in to hug me.

       "Holly what just happened?"

   "Winter I saw your dream." She was sniffling and trying not to cry.

             *THE NEXT DAY*

Holly seemed to be okay, but I was miserable. Ever since my dream, Holly and I wouldn't leave each others sides. I've been sleeping at Holly's house because we were both afraid of what would happen if I went back home. My visions have been more frequent and Holly has been able to see my dreams and visions by putting her hand on my head. I haven't been home in days and I'm not sure weather I miss Maddie or not.

I went to the waterfall, for the first time in three weeks! Holly tried to come with me but I told her not to. The waterfall, could I really go there? Maddie lived close, and that's where Maddie killed our mother. Could I really go there? Could I go to the place where my mother was killed? Yes, no. Yes, yes I can. When I was getting ready, I had a butterfly in my stomach. Not two butterflies but one butterfly with very big wings. When I finally got to the waterfall, I sighed with relief. I sat in front of the waterfall, like I always did. It was peaceful. The sunset made the turquoise water shine and sparkle. Maddie snuck behind me, making me jump.

       "I missed you Winter." Maddie's voice made my skin crawl, but yet it almost warmed me.

      "Yeah right. The only reason I ran away was because you got jealous of Holly." I jumped up, now facing Maddie.

     "I wasn't jeal- okay I was jealous, but not because of Holly. I'm jealous of you." Maddie studered, showing me that she was afraid of admitting it. I grabbed her shoulders and ran at vampire speed, pushing her up against a tree.

         "You will never say that you are jealous of me.I'm a vampire. You will never say that." I was growling now. My gangs were out and my eyes were cherry red. Why would Maddie be jealous of me?  What is there to be jealous about?

         "Your a vampire Winter, who wouldn't be happy about that? And how are you still alive, you haven't fed on me in weeks." I had released Maddie now, and I was walking in front of the waterfall running my fingers though my hair. Was I happy to be a vampire?  Did I even want to be one? Yes, I was.

         "Me.... You don't know what it's like to kill innocent people....... almost every day. And I've been feeding on other people." My voice was low, but it slowly rose up making me yell. I couldn't help but scream at Maddie, why would she want to be a vampire.

     "I get it now. It all makes sense." Maddies voice was shaky and hard. What did she get? What made sense? "What don't you get." I said as I rose my head slowly to look at Maddie.

  "You like Holly more then me. You don't want me to be a vampire with you and Holly, do you?" Her head was down before she said that. Our eyes finally locked, making it impossible to pull away. Her dark hazelnut eyes were fighting with my ocean blue ones. Then I realized something, she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at someone behind me. Who was it? I turned around to see Holly staring at Maddie in fear. She looked at me, fear was deep in her eyes. She pointed to something. Maddie didn't look behind her but I turned to see a fairly tall figure, standing a foot away from behind Maddie. I could see the figures electric green eyes though the dark, staring at me. I slowly walked toward it. Maddie thought I was walking towards her so she pushed me back, taking me by surprise. I growled at her, trying not to let my fangs out. I pushed her aside, harder then I ment to.

           Maddie was on the ground, Holly was like a statue, and I came face to face with the figure. The colors of our eyes clashed with each others, we were in a trance that was hard to come out of. I know this person, I do I know I do. We both stepped forward, I still couldn't see her face but her eyes were as clear as day. She had straight raven black hair that was carefully pulled back by a bobby-pin. Her hair was like Holly's, but her eyes were like something I have never seen. Most boys say that girls' eyes are like diamonds, this girls eyes really were. Her eyes didn't sparkle blue,buy they were green. Very bright and full of color. They shined like the sun and sparkled like the stars.

      We stepped forward again, now our toes were touching and I could see her face. Mom. It was my mom!! I leaned in to hug her, but fell on the ground. I looked back, trying to figure out what had happened. When I looked back, Holly and Maddie were staring at me. What had just happened? I walked up to Holly and put her hand on me head, letting her see what I saw. It was clear that her and Maddie didn't see anything. Was it an illusion? Holly's eyes soon returned color.

        "You saw your mom?" Holly's voice was slow and comforting.

          "Tell me something I don't know, like why and how I saw her." My voice was full of sarcasm, I couldn't help it. Maddie came over and took my hand, inter locking our fingers. She turned me around so I was facing her, she opened her mouth to reveal two actual fangs. Her eyes were also red. My vision was becoming red and a trail of blood came from my eye. Maddie wiped it away with her thumb and looked into my eyes. Her hand still on my cheek, she was trying to see what I saw. She pulled me in for a hug, but it wasn't tight, more along the lines of....... loving.

        "Winter, do you wanna see the best part of me being a vampire?" Maddie pulled away slowly and looked me in the eyes.

       "I'm a shield, I cant get hurt any more... Unless you put a steak though my heart, and I want you to see someone. There is a bad part, I can't see what you saw. I don't have talents, only to be a shield." She smiled and giggled. Out of nowhere, a boy came and rushed to Maddie's side. I jumped, Maddie giggled, Holly seemed like a statue and me and the strange boy didn't leave each others eye contact.


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