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   "Get up! Get up! Wake up!" I felt someone shake me, it sounded like Icess, why was she crying.

    "Eistyn! Justin!" She kept on screaming. Then I heard the pitter-patter of people's feet on the tile.

   "Let me see." I heard a boys voice, I couldn't make out weather it was Eistyn or Justin. Then someone rolled me over, so I was laying on my back. So many things were happening, someone was holding my hand, someone was crying, someone was pacing the floor, and someone's hand was on my head. I was laying in something, warm and wet. I felt paralyzed, or like stone, I couldn't move. I tried though, I shook my head from side to side, and fluttered my eyes open. It felt everything stopped. Everything, the person who was crying, the person holding my hand squeezed it, the person pacing had stopped, and a hand remained on my head. At first, my vision was blurry, then it cleared out. I saw Justin, he was the one who had a hand on my forehead. I looked to my left to see Eistyn, standing there. I looked to my right to see Icess and Holly. Icess was kneeling next to me, with my hand in her's. Then I saw Holly, with tears of blood streaming down her face. I looked up again, Justin was still there. Everyone rushed to me, Holly took my free hand, but I pulled away and went to put my hand on my head. Instead, Justin pushed my hand away.

    "My head hurts." I mumbled to myself

    "We know. Its okay." Eistyn spoke softly and looked in my eyes, using his gift to make me relax.

    "What happened?" I mumbled again. My head was killing me, and to make matters worse, I had a vision.


It was Maddie, she was coming here, with a knife. My worst nightmare was coming true.

                *END OF VISION*

I groaned and let my head fall to the side. Then Justin moved his hand off my head, then another hand was placed on my head.

    "Its Maddie. She knows Winter is alive, she's coming back." Holly took her hand off my head.

    "She's the only one with the power to defeat Maddie." Eistyn said with a sigh, looking at me.

  "No. I know s-something s-stronger."

I mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear me.

   "What is it?" Eistyn said, his voice low and comforting.

    "You." I closed my eyes. Everyone gasped and kept looking at me then back at Eistyn.

    "Holly I need you to get Winter a blood bag. She needs strength." Eistyn spoke to Holly as my hearing began to fade. Holly came back in under a minute. I felt plastic up against my lips, then hot liquid pour into my mouth.

     "Drink." I didn't know who said that, but I did what I was told. Once the bag was empty, I felt so much stronger.

     "Winter what did you mean when you said that Eistyn is more powerful then you?" Justin spoke to me as everyone tried to help me stand.

     "Before Icess and I left, she asked about Eistyn. I told her that she needed to talk to him herself. She saw us by the waterfall and thought he was cheating on her but he wasn't. She wouldn't ever hurt him, ever." I spoke fast, I did that when I was in panic. I almost fell, but Eistyn caught me and I dug my nails into Justin's shoulder, trying not to fall again.

    "Owww." Justin whispered, I was piercing his skin.

    "I'm sorry." I apologized, and he nodded to me, letting me know he was okay. Once I was on feet again, everyone sat on the couch, waiting for me to speak.

    "Eistyn and I will fight, Maddie is really coming for me and Icess. Holly and Justin, I need you to take Icess somewhere far from the waterfall, take her into town. Go shopping, see a movie, do something. Eistyn and I will take Maddie-" Eistyn was now standing up in front of the group with me. I was cut off by another vision. I'd rather not say what happened.

     "Maddie is getting closer we need to leave, Holly keep me posted on what's happening okay?" I continued and walked up to Icess.

      "Stay. With. Holly and Justin. They will protect you, okay?" She hugged me, no, she squeezed me.

      "Don't go." She whispered to me.

     "I don't want her to hurt you like she did mom." I whispered back to her.

   "Promise me you'll come back." She pulled away and looked me in the eyes with tears streaming down her face.

    "I promise." I told her. I kissed the top of her head and walked over to Justin.

     "Take care of my sister." I whispered in his ear, he had squeezed me into the hug.

     "With all my power." Justin whispered back and we pulled away. Eistyn and I had to go, and so did Icess, Holly, and Justin. I didn't want to leave Ice, Maddie was gonna find her way to her. Maddie is gonna hurt everyone, including me.

Maddie would hurt her family. The question was, why? I looked back at Eistyn, he was ready, but was I? Yes.

    "Okay, lets go." I looked back at Eistyn, who was looking at me. He walked up to me and took my hand as we all walked out of the front door. We all soon parted from each other, Holly, Justin and Icess went in the direction into town. While Eistyn and I made our way to the waterfall where Maddie was waiting for us.Why did she want to fight in the first place? It didn't matter, she would never hurt Eistyn, would she? Maybe we wouldn't win, Maddie was a shield. Meaning that I couln't cause her pain,but how is it that she is still in love with Eistyn? Eistyn had the gift to make people fall in love with him? Was Maddie even a sheild, or was she just saying that? I guess we will find out.


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