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Once the boys' were gone, Icess and Holly gathered all the wedding magazines they could find in the house and gave me about a thousand options for a dress.

"You've turned down every single dress we've shone you. Why don't you like any of them?" Holly seemed a bit annoyed but I just shrugged and looked down at my hands.

"It's just not what I want."

"Then what do you want Snow?" I knew it was Ice without looking up from my hands. She's the only one I allowed to call me that, but I wasn't going to get upset, I gave her permission.

"Red, black and white." I said simply, looking up at them instead of my hands.

"Don't you mean red, white and blue?" Icess asked.

"No. I want red, black and white." I answered.

"Okay." Holly said and flipped through another magazine before speaking again.

"How about......this?" She held up a magazine. The dress was a white, floor-length with a red rose pattern on the bottom and black lace removable sleeves. The picture also showed a bouquet of dark red roses and black, foot-covered high-heels.

"Beautiful.... Absolutely beautiful." I was so speechless. It really was beautiful. The magazine had a phone number at the bottom, so Holly called.

"Hello. I saw your dress add in Order Fashion. Yes, yes. That would be amazing. Yes, for a wedding. In a few months. Okay thank you." After Holly hung up the phone she threw it on the other end of the couch and started jumping up and down.

"What did the girl say?" Ice asked.

"We can pick it up in a week!" She had a huge grin. My mouth dropped to the floor.

"I have a wedding dress!" I screamed and we all got off the couch and started jumping up and down. Well, except Icess.

"What's wrong Ice?" I asked

"I just don't think that's the dress you should get." She answered

"Then what do you suppose she wears on her big day." Holly snapped. Icess flipped through a winter addition of Order Fashion. A minute and a few pages later, she finally stopped on a page that opened to a poster.

"This one." Icess said with a grin. It was a beautiful dark blue dress. It had a white snowflake pattern all over it, and the model had a dark blue flower in her hair and a bouquet of white roses in her hand. It was floor-length but had a cupcake bottom. The model also had white high-heels with a white jewel-studded bow on the toe.

"It's beautiful." I said. Icess got her phone and called the number that was on the poster.

"Hello? Yes, I saw the dress. I am, I am. No, for my sister. In a few months. Great! Thanks!" She hung up the phone and looked at Holly and I.

"One week." She said, and my smile faded.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked the dress?" Icess asked with a pout voice as her smile faded.

"I do, I do but I can't wear both dresses." We all sat down, with me in the middle.

"Okay. One, save the 'I do' for my brother. Two, don't stress. You can pick mine or Ice's dress and which ever you pick, the other can be the theme. That okay?"

"Sounds good. Who ever I choose, the other one can't get jealous." I agreed. I grabbed both of their arms as my eyes turned white. I felt Icess-on my left- grab my hand, and Holly-on my right- put her hand on my head.

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